"Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others. . .they send forth a ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."Robert F. Kennedy
Using grade school physics of both Newtonian and Nuclear models, does anyone foresee counter currents of sufficient size to minimize/change direction of the huge 'Tsunami' roaring down on us, taking away not only our Freedom, but our Lives? Regardless if our salaries are dependant on us not knowing the inconvenient truths of reality (global warming, corporate rule, stagnant energy science) portrayed by the rare articles in the news media? I know only one - a free science, our window to Reality - that easily resolves the Foundational Problem of Quantum Physics and takes E=MC2 out of Kindergarten

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Quantity C is the Radius of Curvature of All Natural law - Planet Forward

Blog linked from Planet Forward: Planet Forward is a project of the Center for Innovative Media at the George Washington University - the post is from a Fuel 2000 and Beyond team member:

The Quantity C is the Radius of Curvature of All Natural law - Planet Forward

12:30 pm December 1st, 2010 1 Comment »
The radius of curvature concept does not change any current math theories of physics, but ties them together for a far more comprehensible (gestalt/fractal)view, and subsequent application, of our micro/here&now/macro Realities 
StarSteps Part one http://www.fuel2000.net/starsteps1.pdf
StarSteps Part Two http://www.fuel2000.net/starsteps2.pdf
StarSteps Part Three http://www.fuel2000.net/starsteps3.pdf




Evolution and Sustainable Survival on Earth are synonymous – their known parameters of the boundless wonders our Universe presents to us through the lenses of a free science is a Right of Freedom everywhere.

Since the 1940′s, new energy technologies have been available through the actual testing of Einstein’s incomplete but testable portions of his 1928 Unified Field theory.

StarSteps further expands and clarifies Einstein’s Unified Field Theory with the concept of the Radius Of Curvature Of All Natural Law. This did not change any of our mathematics, but dramatically changed the Interpretations contemporary science gave to Space, Time, Mass, Matter, Energy and Gravity – changed these factors to utter simplicity with extra ordinary application capacities.

As has been repeated constantly in these blog posts:

•In short, the quantity C is the measure of the radius of curvature of natural law. It is the factor which will enable us to determine precisely the degree of change in the curvature of one law which will be brought about by a specified change in the application of the others. It is the factor which will eventually tell us how to place our transport vehicles in either the positive or negative portion of the gravitational curve with respect to the earth or any other planet which we may choose to visit.

When we state that the quantity C is the radius of the curvature of natural law, we mean simply that if a differential of energy equal to this quantity exists between the observer and the point which he is observing, the natural laws will be suspended. If the energy differential is in excess of the quantity C, the laws will appear to operate in reverse at that point.

While many may be apprehensive of the energy differential at the quantity C level (Einstein said the nuclear bomb was only a tiny fraction of the VC differential), electricity, the electrical nature of matter is always at that energy level, as the Theoretical explanation of the Biefeld-Brown Effect
suggests of the coupling between electricity and gravitation.
Review http://freedomtimes.blogspot.com/2010/01/its-musical-universe.html

Also, from StarSteps – The shape of the gravitational curve is modified not only by the mass present but also by the number and position of the electrical charges, referring not only to the charges in the outer shell of the atom but to those within as well, and especially to the fact, not always realized, that the neutron possesses both a positive and a negative charge, although when united within the neutron they are not discernible as charges, but exist as energy which produces the gravitational field. When a better understanding of the laws is acquired, we will be able to produce any shape of curve we desire within the variable and interdependent factors of space, time, mass, matter, energy, and gravity through the common denominator of vibration/frequency.

Further reading:
The Sustainable Technology Solution Revolution: A Universal Appeal by Brian O’Leary, Ph.D., http://www.brianoleary.info/

Categories: Science
Tags: field propulsion, radius of curvature, zero point

One Response to “The Quantity C is the Radius of Curvature of All Natural law”

On December 1st, 2010 at 12:31 pm Susanna, PF Web Maven Said:
This sounds interesting, but a little over my head. How would this idea change the way we think about or use energy?

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