"Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others. . .they send forth a ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."Robert F. Kennedy
Using grade school physics of both Newtonian and Nuclear models, does anyone foresee counter currents of sufficient size to minimize/change direction of the huge 'Tsunami' roaring down on us, taking away not only our Freedom, but our Lives? Regardless if our salaries are dependant on us not knowing the inconvenient truths of reality (global warming, corporate rule, stagnant energy science) portrayed by the rare articles in the news media? I know only one - a free science, our window to Reality - that easily resolves the Foundational Problem of Quantum Physics and takes E=MC2 out of Kindergarten

Full Text Individual Post Reading

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Will The Real Terrorists Stand Up?

"In all major regions of the world, the economic recession is deep-seated, resulting in mass unemployment, the collapse of state social programs and the impoverishment of millions of people. The meltdown of financial markets was the result of institutionalized fraud and financial manipulation. The economic crisis is accompanied by a worldwide process of militarization, a “war without borders” led by the U.S. and its NATO allies."

The Global Economic Crisis: The Great Depression of the XXI Century Brought About by: Energy Suppression and Restricted Education

Education Taking Einstein’s “incomplete (but testable and tested portions in the 1940’s) 1928 Unified Field Theory”, opened the doors to infinite decentralized energy source applications for antigravity, field propulsion, transportation of goods point to point without going through all points in between, energy medicine, etc. ….. along with overwhelming common sense insights of what not to do to destroy earth and it’s Life. (see StarSteps)

The Unifying Principle supporting the majority of contemporary new energy claims evolved from the 1940's advanced energy/fuel/propulsion tested concepts after WWII. These same concepts also brought subsequent advanced understanding of human nature, validating ageless Spiritual and Metaphysical Wisdom within the energy/frequency domains. This Unifying Principle, the radius of curvature of all natural law quantified the radius to the energy differential of the speed of light, shedding insight to many of the MIS- INTERPRETATIONS of the Theory of Relativity, i.e. as in, "nothing goes faster than the speed of light; when an object travels faster and faster, its mass increases (time slows, stops, goes backwards – approaching, at, exceeding VC);" or "As an object approaches the speed of light its mass becomes infinite."

The obvious subsequent realization of such short sighted, mis-interpreted errors swiftly correct to - the 'increasing mass' of the target is only the measure of the kinetic energy differential which exists between them http://fuel2000.net/ . This Unifying Principle completely overhauls the stubbornly persistent delusions, primitive definitions and stranglehold restrictions of E=MC2, permitting advances toward FTL (faster than light transportation), field dependent propulsion, polarization of gravity (anti-gravity), action at a distance, as well as "movement"/"transference", the appearance of motion, from one point to another without going through all points in between.

About the year 1905, Einstein brought to our attention that the factors of Gravity, Space,Time, and Energy were not the absolute and independent entities that we had always considered them to be, but that they were variable factors, each having a value which depended upon the value of the others.
  • In short, the quantity C is the measure of the radius of curvature of natural law. It is the factor which will enable us to determine precisely the degree of change in the curvature of one law which will be brought about by a specified change in the application of the others. It is the factor which will eventually tell us how to place our transport vehicles in either the positive or negative portion of the gravitational curve with respect to the earth or any other planet which we may choose to visit.
  • When we state that the quantity C is the radius of the curvature of natural law, we mean simply that if a differential of energy equal to this quantity exists between the observer and the point which he is observing, the natural laws will be suspended. If the energy differential is in excess of the quantity C, the laws will appear to operate in reverse at that point.
  • As it is impossible to disconnect this scientific unifying principle for advanced fuel and propulsion systems from Human energy systems (same atoms/molecules/ comprised of energy) we find this scientific Unifying Principle begins to validate the roots of ageless Spiritual and Metaphysical Principles. This poses a threat to the current Power Structure.
  • However, suppression and denial of these fourth grade concepts overthrowing relativity delusions, found in StarSteps, does threaten all life in evolving, energy intensive and complex civilizations. StarSteps http://fuel2000.net/starsteps.htm

Will The Real Terrorists Stand up and face the billions upon billions of untimely deaths the last half century stemming from economic strangulation and poverty during this age of modern science : hunger, starvation, malnutrition, disease... along with the looming, ongoing disasters sparked by global warming and ecological imbalance?

Another in the Ongoing Slowly Accelerating Economic Strangle hold data on Americans:

401K 'Hardship' Withdrawals Hit All-Time High
This risky trend is a sign of how far Americans are going to make ends meet

The Global Economic Crisis: The Great Depression of the XXI Century Despite the diversity of viewpoints and perspectives presented within this volume, all of the contributors ultimately come to the same conclusion: humanity is at the crossroads of the most serious economic and social crisis in modern history.

Global Research is pleased to announce the publication of a new book entitled The Global Economic Crisis, The Great Depression of the XXI Century, Michel Chossudovsky and Andrew Gavin Marshall, Editors. “This important collection offers the reader a most comprehensive analysis of the various facets – especially the financial, social and military ramifications – from an outstanding list of world-class social thinkers.”

In all major regions of the world, the economic recession is deep-seated, resulting in mass unemployment, the collapse of state social programs and the impoverishment of millions of people. The meltdown of financial markets was the result of institutionalized fraud and financial manipulation. The economic crisis is accompanied by a worldwide process of militarization, a “war without borders” led by the U.S. and its NATO allies.

This book takes the reader through the corridors of the Federal Reserve, into the plush corporate boardrooms on Wall Street where far-reaching financial transactions are routinely undertaken.

Each of the authors in this timely collection digs beneath the gilded surface to reveal a complex web of deceit and media distortion which serves to conceal the workings of the global economic system and its devastating impacts on people`s lives.

Michel Chossudovsky is an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (Emeritus) at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal. He is the author of The Globalization of Poverty and The New World Order (2003) and America’s “War on Terrorism” (2005). He is also a contributor to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. His writings have been published in more than twenty languages.

Andrew Gavin Marshall is an independent writer both on the contemporary structures of capitalism as well as on the history of the global political economy. He is a Research Associate with the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

“This important collection offers the reader a most comprehensive analysis of the various facets – especially the financial, social and military ramifications – from an outstanding list of world-class social thinkers.” -Mario Seccareccia, Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa

“In-depth investigations of the inner workings of the plutocracy in crisis, presented by some of our best politico-economic analysts. This book should help put to rest the hallucinations of ‘free market’ ideology.” -Michael Parenti, author of God and His Demons and Contrary Notions

“Provides a very readable exposé of a global economic system, manipulated by a handful of extremely powerful economic actors for their own benefit, to enrich a few at the expense of an ever-growing majority.” -David Ray Griffin, author of The New Pearl Harbor Revisited

The complex causes as well as the devastating consequences of the economic crisis are carefully scrutinized with contributions from Ellen Brown, Tom Burghardt, Michel Chossudovsky, Richard C. Cook, Shamus Cooke, John Bellamy Foster, Michael Hudson, Tanya Cariina Hsu, Fred Magdoff, Andrew Gavin Marshall, James Petras, Peter Phillips, Peter Dale Scott, Bill Van Auken, Claudia von Werlhof and Mike Whitney.

Despite the diversity of viewpoints and perspectives presented within this volume, all of the contributors ultimately come to the same conclusion: humanity is at the crossroads of the most serious economic and social crisis in modern history.

"This meticulous, vital, timely and accessible work unravels the history of a hydra-headed monster: military, media and politics, culminating in “humanity at the crossroads”; the current unprecedented economic and social crisis… From the first page of the preface of The Global Economic Crisis, the reasons for all unravel with compelling clarity. For those asking “why?” this book has the answers." –Felicity Arbuthnot, award-winning author and journalist based in London.

"The current economic crisis, its causes and hopefully its cure have been a mystery for most people. I welcome a readable exposition of the global dimensions of the crisis and hope for some clarity on how to better organize money locally and internationally for the future." -Dr. Rosalie Bertell, renowned scientist, Alternative Nobel Prize laureate and Regent, International Physicians for Humanitarian Medicine, Geneva

"This work is much more than a path-breaking and profound historical analysis of the actors and institutions, it is an affirmation of the authors’ belief that a better world is feasible and that it can be achieved by collective organized actions and faith in the sustainability of a democratic order." -Frederick Clairmonte, distinguished analyst of the global political economy and author of the 1960s classic, The Rise and Fall of Economic Liberalism: The Making of the Economic Gulag

"Decades of profligate economic policies and promiscuous military interventions reached a critical mass, exploding in the meltdown of globalization in 2008. Today, the economic meltdown is reconfiguring everything – global society, economy and culture. This book is engineering a revolution by introducing an innovative global theory of economics." -Michael Carmichael, prominent author, historian and president of the Planetary Movement

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Rescuing Science from Politics –Putting Science Before Politics

A more dramatic and law detailed look at the processes at work in the ongoing sellout of American Democracy and wholesale blockage of expanding democracy worldwide. Note, without the first priority, “Rescuing Science from Politics” (CUNY Law School), all other efforts will be completely futile and a total failure. Energy evolution cannot remain at the bottom or sidelined list of priorities (as in MoveOn’s other 98% activities), especially when every known threat to human survival, evolution, sustainability….. stems from, and is caused by, a lack of Understanding and application of advanced energy systems since the late 1940's.

The slightest perusal into the science of energy glaringly spotlights the impossibility of modern science to still be stuck in oil, or in the extremely elementary and deadly form of nuclear energy. Taking Einstein’s “incomplete (but testable and tested portions in the 1940’s) 1928 Unified Field Theory”, opened the doors to infinite decentralized energy source applications for antigravity, field propulsion, transportation of goods point to point without going through all points in between, energy medicine, etc. ….. along with overwhelming common sense insights of what not to do to destroy earth and it’s Life. (see StarSteps)

Rescuing Science from Politics –Putting Science Before Politics

The Center For Progressive Reform

Putting Science Before Politics

Excessive Secrecy in Government

Undercutting the Democratic Process and Protecting Corporations from Accountability

Rebecca is a Professor at The City University of New York School of Law and a scholar at the Center for Progressive Reform. Rebecca Bratspies, Professor, joined the faculty of CUNY Law in 2004. Her teaching and scholarly research focus on environmental and public international law, with a particular emphasis on how legal systems govern the global commons and how law can further sustainable development. She has published widely on the topics of environmental liability, regulatory uncertainty, regulation of international fisheries, and regulation of genetically modified food crops.

“A point has been reached in history when we must shape our actions throughout the world with a more prudent care for their environmental consequences. Through ignorance or indifference we can do massive and irreversible harm to the earthly environment . . . .”1

The problem is that the world has changed, and the boundaries of authoritative decision are no longer clear. Where states formerly would have pursued their own vision and balance, a world of ever denser interconnection means that the two perspectives, even if wholly valid expressions of community preference, cannot readily co-exist. As decisionmaking centralizes, the struggle over which approach will attain dominance becomes increasingly contentious.

This contest takes place against a backdrop of a world that not only embraces sustainable development, but is also in the throes of unparalleled industrial growth and integration. As such, it is one salvo in a broader struggle for dominance between those who view the world through the lens of the market and its efficiency, and those who would order society according to other values.

Globalization, and particularly the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) radically reconfigured decision making for many important public decisions. International organizations and transnational corporations now play a role in decisions that had formerly been the purview of states. This shift in turn raises questions about democratic legitimacy and whether such decisions are truly “authoritative”

Critics of this shift point to a democracy deficit. They contend that the rising role of the WTO, coupled with the growing influence of transnational corporations both domestically and internationally, means that the key decisionmakers—and the states that use the WTO processes—are no longer democratically accountable to citizens.

The realities of global warming, ozone depletion, desertification, and spreading invasive species make a mockery of the traditional distinction between transboundary and wholly domestic harms. If we are to live together and flourish on our shrinking, warming planet, we must reach beyond oversimplified and dated dichotomies, ones that place international and domestic law in separate realms. In the globalized arena, few, if any, matters are purely domestic. Instead, countless decisions made by individuals, private
corporate actors, and government officials at every level have effects beyond the borders of any single nation-state. The New Haven School’s efforts to grapple with the global community as an authoritative decisionmaker resonate profoundly with the struggle to confront global environmental challenges.

Our current economic system is an aristocracy according to Marjorie Kelly, The Devine Right of Capital. Think British rule of the American colonies. It's based on the divine right of kings: The interests of the king are paramount; the aristocracy alone has a say in government. At the center of the economic aristocracy we have today is the corporation, its authority based on the divine right of capital. Shareholders are king and their interests reign supreme. The aristocracy's primary goal is to pay shareholders as much as possible and pay employees as little as possible.The public good is ignored.
“To rest our hope with ethical leaders is like waiting for the philosopher king. At some point you wake up and realize aristocracy itself is the problem–and you move to democracy–you don’t wait for justice and equality to show up in some noble leader, you build them into social structures.” (Marjorie Kelly)
“The aim is to educate people that the problem isn’t greedy executives or evil individual corporations like Exxon.
The problem is the system design. The problem is state law that says corporations exist only to maximize gains for shareholders.”

Toppling the Corporate Aristocracy
Nearly a dozen lawmakers have been honored by university endowments financed in part by corporations with business before Congress, posing some potential conflicts
Current or Former Lawmakers Linked to Endowments Made by Corporations - NYTimes.com

Food Stamp Recipients, Millionaires, on Rise

How peculiar our converted Freedom truly is, as we sit immobilized on freedom's oil highways, contemplating how our freedom rule of laws are created .... and ignore the hungry, homeless, jobless ….. and ignore worldwide, slow murder by poverty, in an age of miraculous science, technology and understanding (see gifts to future generations - previous post), as we make excuses for no jobs in a world exploding in population growth, need and demand.

Food Stamp Recipients, Millionaires, on Rise abcnews.go.com

Monday, August 2, 2010

Our Gifts to Future Generations (revisited)

Our Gifts to Future Generations (revisited)

Typical Retirement Party: Now that you have reached the age of retirement (110 years old - ever rising qualifications for for SSI & Pension Benefits), may you enjoy the last fifteen minutes of your life and experience all the wonder and joys of travel, hobbies, second career, interests, that retirement affords (always remember, the penny wages, and benefits are very democratically competitive, and your taxes were insufficient to allow retirement at an earlier age). GE, Exxon Paid No U.S. Income Taxes in '09 http://abcnews.go.com/Business/Tax/ge-exxon-paid-us-income-taxes-09/story?id=10300167

As we all know, with the world population expanding at an explosive rate, more and more people are not going to want to eat, have homes to live in, obtain the basic necessities or proper medical care; much less are they going to want to work or buy the luxuries and other wonders science and technology have provided to make life more comfortable and enjoyable. (How else would you explain why the world economy is crashing, with millions of Americans out of work, losing their homes, losing their life savings and many going hungry)

So We Ask You to Continue to "Adapt" with "Political Correctness" (Implied threat to bread & butter source - Nazi Tendency?) To The Following:

Adapt To Global Warming

Adapt To Forever War and Profit until human lights/existence go out with Really Advanced Smarty Bombs
Will The Human Race Ever Grow up?
(not as long as someone steals and starves another, individual or group) "Poverty in all its forms is the greatest single threat to peace, democracy, human rights, and the environment. It is a time bomb against the heart of liberty" World Trade Organization Director Mike Moore. Whatever happened to intelligence, wisdom, science, understanding ....... the 3 day work week, retirement at age 35, prosperity for all?

Adapt To Nature's Ever More Violent Response To our Disregard of Evolutionary Processes -
"Inadequate comprehension and application of Energy, in all its forms, in an increasingly complex and evolving civilization, is the single greatest causal factor of poverty - and the vehicle to self-destruct." Decatalyst)

Adapt To Ecological Imbalance
Spills in Nigeria Dwarf Gulf Oil Spill Almost Every Year; Texaco's oil adventures in the Ecuadorian Amazon Over the course of 30 years, until 1990, the company permitted more than 19 billion gallons of toxic oil wastewater and 17 million gallons of crude oil to leach into the environment. It's by far the largest oil disaster in the world.

Adapt To Ever Greater Freedom (for your master Corporations) and deteriorating freedom for individual humans
Human servants, kneel and subjugate yourselves to the New Lords, Non-Living Corporate Entities - Beyond Law - of the Universe.
For the corporation, By the corporation, Of the corporation

Above the law, Bought the law, Creates the law.
I concede! All these are not conspiracies!
As all the experts scream, these are market fundamentals

Farewell - American Democracy
It's Official. Corporations Rule.

The American Justice System has decided
Ask your two year old on a seesaw about balance, weight and power when 2% golden greedy guts owns 98% of the worlds’ Wealth and Resources

true to scale model would render top image invisible

total world population Feb 2010:......... 6,801,000,000
2% Golden Greedy Guts population:........ 136,020,000
98% rest of us population:................... 6,664,980,000

“Fascism is about the state running things on behalf of corporations. Adrian Lyttelton in his book on Mussolini wrote that ‘Fascism can be viewed as a product of the transition from the market capitalism of the independent producer to the organized capitalism of the oligopoly.’ It was a point that Orwell noted when he described fascism as being but an extension of capitalism. Lyttelton quoted Italian Nationalist theorist Affredo Rocco: ‘The Fascist economy is. . . an organized economy. It is organized by the producers themselves, under the supreme direction and control of the State.’ ”

Adapt To Our Immobilized Transportation Systems Contemplate the "gigantic delusion" of Freedom and the Reality Gifts we will pass to future generations as you travel down Freedom's Severely Constricting Highway........... because some thought it best to keep the people ignorant in the science of energy evolution and the unfathomed wonders it would bring to all.

All together now - stay focused on Ipod, Footsybally, and Trivia - our masters will take care of our survival needs