"Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others. . .they send forth a ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."Robert F. Kennedy
Using grade school physics of both Newtonian and Nuclear models, does anyone foresee counter currents of sufficient size to minimize/change direction of the huge 'Tsunami' roaring down on us, taking away not only our Freedom, but our Lives? Regardless if our salaries are dependant on us not knowing the inconvenient truths of reality (global warming, corporate rule, stagnant energy science) portrayed by the rare articles in the news media? I know only one - a free science, our window to Reality - that easily resolves the Foundational Problem of Quantum Physics and takes E=MC2 out of Kindergarten

Full Text Individual Post Reading

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Response to Planet Forward Question

Response to Planet Forward Question:
On December 1st, 2010 at 12:31 pm Susanna, PF Web Maven Said: "This sounds interesting, but a little over my head. How would this idea change the way we think about or use energy?"
Planet Forward is a project of the Center for Innovative Media at the George Washington University - the post is from a Fuel 2000 and Beyond team member:

It is interesting to note the Cold Fusion Now post reflecting the history of energy evolution, contrasting the current "unnatural stagnant energy trend" that has continued for decades.
Entitled The Transitional Storm -Or The Changing Energy Epoch, the four-page pamphlet has a brief history of human energy use, describing how each energy epoch has transitioned from one type of fuel to another somewhat smoothly, meaning that historically, humanity has been able to discover new forms of power generation and fuel before the previous technologies fuel ran out
In other words, we found coal before all the trees were burned. We found oil before all the coal was burned. However, they go on to say, “Today it is different.” The fossil-fuel epoch and the next age are not completely interlocking. There is also is a large supply-demand gap, and we call this gap a “transitional storm”-you’ve heard it called an “Energy Crisis.”

Response to question on Planet Forward (comment was not added by Planet Forward):

As scientist Brian O’Leary says, ‘the first step is to let go of our fears and become aware of the magnificent things that are possible”.

There exist hundreds of proofs of concepts of new energy devices, ranging from energy from the vacuum (zero point), cold fusion, and special hydrogen and water technologies, all which connect to an easily understood mathematical framework using the Quantity C as the Radius of Curvature of All Natural Law.

Understanding the Radius of Curvature concept permits anyone to know without a doubt that the following applications have long since been possible with our advances in science and technology:

• Field dependent propulsion
• Fields & Application of Anti-gravity - polarization of gravity
• Special hydrogen and water technologies, field related – instant cheap hydrogen for fuel cells
• FTL -faster than light transportation
• "Movement"/"Transference" - from one point to another without going through all points in between
• Transmutation of elements (Periodic Table application from one element to the next))

Even contemporary physicists have proposed that there might be some coupling between electricity and gravity repulsion at very high energies(or as Hawking said, a possible antigravitational effect from a supercooling phenomena) and are now using the Hadron Collider in an attempt to discover that which the energy differential of the quantity C radius already reveals:

• The QC is both the energy differential of velocity of light, and the total energy content of any quantity of matter converted to energy
• In other words, if we take a gram (or any other quantity of matter: Newtonian mass) and convert that matter gradually into energy according to the formula E = MC2, and the resultant energy, as it appeared, were constantly applied to the remaining matter in such a way as to accelerate it uniformly in a given direction, when all the matter had been so converted we would find that we had zero Newtonian mass, infinite inertial mass and a resultant velocity equal to the quantity C, or approximately 3x10(10) centimeters per second (with respect to the given reference or starting point). The maximum velocity attained would always be the same regardless of the quantity of matter with which we started.

The radius of curvature of all natural law quantified the radius to the energy differential of the speed of light, shedding insight to many of the mis-interpretations of the Theory of Relativity, i.e. as in:

• nothing goes faster than the speed of light
• when an object travels faster and faster, its mass increases
• time slows, stops, goes backwards – correspondingly when approaching, at, exceeding VC
• As an object approaches the speed of light its mass becomes infinite

The obvious subsequent realization of such narrow, mis-interpreted errors swiftly correct to - the 'increasing mass' of the target is only the measure of the kinetic energy differential which exists between them http://fuel2000.net

StarSteps excerpt: While we have repeatedly referred to the quantity C as an energy differential, we have heretofore considered it only in terms of kinetic energy. Some may believe that it can be reached only when there is a rate of increase or decrease in the degree of spatial separation between the reference points, equal to 3x10(10) centimeters per second, or in simpler terms, a velocity equal to that of light. It is necessary therefore to point out the fact that an energy differential does not necessarily manifest itself as a velocity. It can also exist as a frequency. Our present laws of physics state that the energy level upon which an electron, a photon, or other particle exists is proportionate to its frequency. The mathematical rule is E equals Fh, where E is the energy, F is the frequency and h is a factor called Planck's constant.
We can now see that a frequency differential which by the above formula is equal to 9x10(20) ergs per gram also represents the quantity C. When such a frequency differential exists between the observer and the point which he is observing, we again find that the natural laws at the observed point reach zero value with respect to the observer. If the frequency differential exceeds this value, the action of the laws will become negative. A material object such as a spacecraft upon or near the surface of the earth would cease to exist as matter and would enter the plane of energy insofar as the observer on earth was concerned, but as we have previously pointed out, an observer upon or within the object, whose frequency or energy level had been raised to the same degree as that of the craft, would be unable to detect any change.

Reference links:
• StarSteps Part one http://www.fuel2000.net/starsteps1.pdf
• StarSteps Part Two http://www.fuel2000.net/starsteps2.pdf
• StarSteps Part Three http://www.fuel2000.net/starsteps3.pdf

Aside from the cold fusion, zero point, sympathetic vibratory physics and StarSteps pdf links provided in the original post, those interested in further exploration where the QC radius of curvature sheds credible insight:

• Dr Brian O’Leary - The Sustainable Technology Solution Revolution: http://www.brianoleary.info
• The New Energy Movement http://www.newenergymovement.org
• Cal Physics Institute - Zero Point Energy http://www.calphysics.org/index.htm l
• Cold Fusion http://coldfusionnow.org
• Dr Paul LaViolette (subquantum kinetics) http://etheric.com/LaVioletteBooks/Book-Secrets.html
• Shedding light on Walter Russell http://www.svpvril.com/musicuni.html
• Dr Thomas Valone http://www.integrityresearchinstitute.org/electrogravitics.html
• Heim’s Quantum Theory http://www.zpenergy.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1680
• Vortex based mathematics (supporting sympathetic vibratory physics and Walter Russell) http://pesn.com/2010/10/23/9501714_Vortex_Based_Mathematics_at
Those who read StarSteps (explained in layman’s terms) will find the impossible is indeed theoretically & technologically very possible.

The only question remains, what is hampering Universities’ R&D besides corporate funding directions?

The Quantity C is the Radius of Curvature of All Natural law - Planet Forward

Blog linked from Planet Forward: Planet Forward is a project of the Center for Innovative Media at the George Washington University - the post is from a Fuel 2000 and Beyond team member:

The Quantity C is the Radius of Curvature of All Natural law - Planet Forward

12:30 pm December 1st, 2010 1 Comment »
The radius of curvature concept does not change any current math theories of physics, but ties them together for a far more comprehensible (gestalt/fractal)view, and subsequent application, of our micro/here&now/macro Realities 
StarSteps Part one http://www.fuel2000.net/starsteps1.pdf
StarSteps Part Two http://www.fuel2000.net/starsteps2.pdf
StarSteps Part Three http://www.fuel2000.net/starsteps3.pdf




Evolution and Sustainable Survival on Earth are synonymous – their known parameters of the boundless wonders our Universe presents to us through the lenses of a free science is a Right of Freedom everywhere.

Since the 1940′s, new energy technologies have been available through the actual testing of Einstein’s incomplete but testable portions of his 1928 Unified Field theory.

StarSteps further expands and clarifies Einstein’s Unified Field Theory with the concept of the Radius Of Curvature Of All Natural Law. This did not change any of our mathematics, but dramatically changed the Interpretations contemporary science gave to Space, Time, Mass, Matter, Energy and Gravity – changed these factors to utter simplicity with extra ordinary application capacities.

As has been repeated constantly in these blog posts:

•In short, the quantity C is the measure of the radius of curvature of natural law. It is the factor which will enable us to determine precisely the degree of change in the curvature of one law which will be brought about by a specified change in the application of the others. It is the factor which will eventually tell us how to place our transport vehicles in either the positive or negative portion of the gravitational curve with respect to the earth or any other planet which we may choose to visit.

When we state that the quantity C is the radius of the curvature of natural law, we mean simply that if a differential of energy equal to this quantity exists between the observer and the point which he is observing, the natural laws will be suspended. If the energy differential is in excess of the quantity C, the laws will appear to operate in reverse at that point.

While many may be apprehensive of the energy differential at the quantity C level (Einstein said the nuclear bomb was only a tiny fraction of the VC differential), electricity, the electrical nature of matter is always at that energy level, as the Theoretical explanation of the Biefeld-Brown Effect
suggests of the coupling between electricity and gravitation.
Review http://freedomtimes.blogspot.com/2010/01/its-musical-universe.html

Also, from StarSteps – The shape of the gravitational curve is modified not only by the mass present but also by the number and position of the electrical charges, referring not only to the charges in the outer shell of the atom but to those within as well, and especially to the fact, not always realized, that the neutron possesses both a positive and a negative charge, although when united within the neutron they are not discernible as charges, but exist as energy which produces the gravitational field. When a better understanding of the laws is acquired, we will be able to produce any shape of curve we desire within the variable and interdependent factors of space, time, mass, matter, energy, and gravity through the common denominator of vibration/frequency.

Further reading:
The Sustainable Technology Solution Revolution: A Universal Appeal by Brian O’Leary, Ph.D., http://www.brianoleary.info/

Categories: Science
Tags: field propulsion, radius of curvature, zero point

One Response to “The Quantity C is the Radius of Curvature of All Natural law”

On December 1st, 2010 at 12:31 pm Susanna, PF Web Maven Said:
This sounds interesting, but a little over my head. How would this idea change the way we think about or use energy?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Climate of Fear

Climate of Fear:
Is Slavery Coming Back With Big Brother as Ruler/King?

• Control the Sources for Food, Housing, Health
• Demand Political Correctness and Focus on Trivia
• Control Knowledge & Science (let the people think the epitome of scientific advances are oil, ladders to space, microwave ovens in space, etc., …..)
• Suppress the minority of scientists who say there exist hundreds of proofs of concepts of new energy devices, ranging from energy from the vacuum (zero point), cold fusion, and special hydrogen and water technologies, all which connect to an easily understood mathematical framework using the Quantity C as the Radius of Curvature of All Natural Law.
• Suppress the understanding that the following applications have long since been possible with our advances in science and technology:
• * Field dependent propulsion
• * Fields & Application of Anti-gravity - polarization of gravity
• * Special hydrogen and water technologies, field related – instant cheap hydrogen for fuel cells
• * FTL -faster than light transportation
• * "Movement"/"Transference" - from one point to another without going through all points in between
• * Transmutation of elements (Periodic Table application from one element to the next))


"Employers don't need to hire. They are getting more work out of fewer people, thanks to what Daniel Pedrotty, director of the AFL-CIO's Office of Investment, calls a climate of fear: "There are five applicants for every opening. You have to work harder or your job either will be done away with or outsourced.
In the third quarter, U.S. business earned profits at a rate of $1.659 trillion a year—the highest in history.

As for money-in-the-bank, the S&P 500's non- financial companies are presently sitting on $1 trillion in cash or cash-equivalents.

The last person who saved like that for a rainy day was Noah.

Somewhere between 15 and 27 million people, depending on how you figure it, remain unemployed."

Freedom Times questions: Productivity has risen at an exponential rate. Did slaves work this hard with continously diminishing returns in food and shelter (today's diminishing returns in salery, benefits, ever rising retirement age)?

November Unemployment Rises to 9.8 Percent
Corporate Profits Have Never Been Higher, But Hiring Only Returning Slowly

Non-farm payrolls rose by a disappointing 39,000 jobs in November as the unemployment rate edged up to 9.8 percent, the government said Friday.

November hiring rose by much less than the 150,000 jobs economists were expecting. The unemployment rate was forecast to hold steady from October's 9.6 percent, but instead it increased to 9.8 percent.

The report is more bad news about hiring at a time when big business is awash in gravy.

In the third quarter, U.S. business earned profits at a rate of $1.659 trillion a year—the highest in history, unadjusted for inflation. That's a sea change from the start of the great recession in 2008, when the bottom fell out of corporate profits and workers were pushed out the door at a record pace.

Walker Lewis, chairman and founder of Devon Value Advisors, which tells companies how to maximize their market value, says his own analysis of profits
(pre-tax operating return on operating capital) shows they have doubled from 15 percent to 30 percent over the last quarter century. "It's a chart with a steady progression," he says, and the direction is up.

As for money-in-the-bank, the S&P 500's non- financial companies are presently sitting on $1 trillion in cash or cash-equivalents. The last person
who saved like that for a rainy day was Noah.

But much to the chargrin of the unemployed and government policymakers, companies aren't lavishing their largess on labor.

Somewhere between 15 and 27 million people, depending on how you figure it, remain unemployed.

"Shameful," DeAnn McEwen, a member of the Council of Presidents of the California Nurses Association, calls the situation. Her members, after layoffs, are suffering: "There's just that much more work for those left behind."

Employers don't need to hire. They are aren't getting more work out of fewer people, thanks to what Daniel Pedrotty, director of the AFL-CIO's Office of
Investment, calls a climate of fear: "There are five applicants for every opening. You have to work harder or your job either will be done away with or
outsourced. Companies would just as soon open a factory in India as in Peoria."

Despite what he calls corporate "whining" about Washington's having an anti-business attitude, "There's never been a better time for the private sector. The Fed is keeping interest rates at record lows. Washington is telling federal employees to take a pay freeze, while doing nothing about Wall Street

While CEOs award themselves "outrageous bonuses," says Pedrotty, the little man is hurting.

"Half the people out of work have been unemployed for over six months. They're burned out. They're got the makings of a permanent under-class. We all know
where that leads. Our country is at a point where things are really going to get bad. But you'd never know it, to visit a corporate board room. They're
sitting on cash--holding our economy hostage."

Lewis sees things differently.

"It's no big mystery," says he, why business isn't hiring: For 20 years management has been investing in technology to improve productivity. And for the last ten years, CEOs have been frustrated not to be able to shed people.

A dialog like the following, he says, has gone on between CEOs and their managers: 'Why can't we take advantage of our improved productivity and take
more people out? Why can't we get rid, say, of Old Fred there?' The answer always was, 'We can't do that. Old Fred knows the customer. Old Fred holds the
team together.'

"There was an aversion to risk," says Lewis, so long as it was optional to let more workers go, employers hesitated. But then came 2008.

Getting rid of people became "a necessity." Lewis says the CEOs he knows told their managers, 'Ok, look. I don't give a damn. Yes, it's a risk. It may hurt to get
rid of Old Fred. But we have no choice.'"

The same CEOs, he says, were shocked to discover not only that "it didn't hurt so much to lose these people," but that later, as volume returned, companies
didn't need to bring them back. They found they could get along by using temps and by discontinuing products they knew to be unprofitable.

Rather than sitting on their money, Lewis asserts, the S&P 500 have been using it judiciously, in the following proportions, to accomplish the following
ends: reducing net debt (50 percent), share buybacks (10 percent), dividends (20 percent), and acquisitions (20 percent).

So when will this sea of corporate cash finally translate into hiring?

"My sense," says Lewis, "is that we're another six months away from CEOs' starting to hire. Once they see old demand come back, then they'll start worrying about new demand. They'll start bringing in new

Happy day! And then, after that? "Productivity goes down."

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Nature’s Budget is Infinity

Despite Evidence To The Contrary, The Push to Constrict, “Unconsciously” Continues on false, skewed energy R&D data.

Nature’s Budget is Infinity

The video “300 Years of FOSSIL FUELS in 300 Seconds” is an excellent, compressed historical overview, a guide to future direction…….. with one fatal unrecognized flaw – the contemporary view of ”Live within Nature’s Budget”. One does not design restrictions for us and future generations to live by based on flawed scientific data informing us the “contemporary energy science” is all there is (as in horse & buggy whip) Despite All Evidence To The Contrary.

Nature’s Budget is Infinity, and Energy Evolution Must Become Priority.
From Worldshift20 Declaration http://r2meshwork.ning.com/profiles/blogs/the-worldshift20-declaration
 energy solutions may not be in the new production of renewable energy. They may come from research on energy efficiency. This could allow us to avoid the production of nuclear energy, to eliminate energy from coal and other non- renewable sources, and the need for production of new energy;

Even the Spiritual aspect discussed in the Worldshift20 declaration will not have meaningful expression, will not see the light of day, without the scientific link critical, evolutionary energy systems will provide as summarized by scientist Dr. Brian O’leary , StarSteps and the New Energy Movement

The Energy Solution Revolution
"The promise, of a future foretold a half century ago for today: Appleby's world, "a world where he never had to pay a power bill, where heating and cooling were free of energy costs, where his water was pure and veggies local and fresh, and where a four hour work day allowed him ample spare time to indulge in his writing fantasies. Outside, the air was fresh and the streets clean. Everyone had a job, and in this world-the real world-there were no clandestine powers holding back progress. All received a fair share for their efforts" An Impossible World? Excerpt from The Energy Solution Revolution by Brian O'Leary http://freedomtimes.blogspot.com/2009/04/impossible-world.html

"Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by power obtainable at any point in the universe. It is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature." ---Nikola Tesla

The World We Envision - Clean, safe, abundant, inexpensive energy for all… stabilized climate… clean and healthy water, food, and air for all… beautiful blue skies over our cities… low-impact, sustainable forestry and agriculture… beautiful landscapes unspoiled by wires and smokestacks… recycling of virtually all wastes… rivers running free and natural… thriving sustainable local economies… living standards and education rates increasing… birth rates declining… a global culture of sharing… unleashed human creativity… a new and lasting era of world peace… With a revolution in energy as the foundation of renewed and loving stewardship of our planet, we can transform our world into a beautiful and healthy home full of promise, opportunity, abundance, and peace for all of humanity. New Energy Movement

Directions Toward Which both Cold Fusion and Zero Point lead:

Zero Point Energy

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Stagnant Energy Equation Pushes the Blossoming Tower of Babble toward Dark Ages2

Energy Evolution and Human Evolution have truly become modern day Taboos.

The Stagnant Energy Equation Pushes the Blossoming Tower of Babble toward Dark Ages2

Revisiting a Tony Robins video “Why we do what we do, and how we can do it better - to contribute, to do something beyond ourselves to achieve fulfillment”, reflects degrees of progress in the arena of “self interest”, when isolated and taken out of context.

By contrast, it is amazing to observe the mushrooming consequences deriving from the continuous, ever growing, disconnect and lack of comprehension of “community interest”, (the latter part of Tony Robin’s video) the disassociation between “I, Me,” and “We, Community”.

• Evidenced by the popular support (namely by ignoring) of the Major Trends threatening Human Survival and Sustainability…. All directly or indirectly related to the staggering, stagnant energy concept.

• This In spite of decades of self improvement gurus, going way back before Nightingale-Conant.

The comment posted on CBS News 11/24/10 “Hunger in America” echoes the growing ‘street’ perception of research derived causal factors of hunger throughout the world by IISD, Global Research, U.N., etc…

I note neither Michael Murphy’s Future of the Body, nor The Possible Human have generated educational research on human evolution, beyond Maslow's hierarchy of needs or Jean Piaget's stages of cognitive development. Energy Evolution and Human Evolution have truly become modern day Taboos.

Record Profits, But Still No Jobs

Companies made more money Q3 This year than in the 60 Years the Commerce Department Has Been Tracking the Data

@katiecouric: Hunger in America November 23, 2010 9:17 AM
Millions of Americans struggle to put food on the table every day, and the number is growing. Katie Couric talks to two leading advocates who are trying to bring an end to hunger in the United States.
Comment: by skepticalJM November 23, 2010 5:58 PM EST
Hunger, or for that matter poverty, will never be cured with charity and handouts. If we want to do away with the so-called "inevitable", we must look to a new paradigm in economics; a paradigm that that doesn't create a small class of "haves" at one end, and a large class of "have nots" at the other. Wealth is not something tangible; WE DEFINE IT. We can define it as a greedy history has, in the days of the Monarchies and the Noblesse Oblige, and their offspring the capitalists; or we can define it as the democratic society we love so dearly must define it: as an unlimited source which springs from the labor, both current and future, of all free and equal human beings cooperating together to produce a society that allows ALL to work together, again cooperatively, not competitively. A mere idle fantasy, I hear you say? No, a reality we can have, if we forget our greedy self-interest, and realize that we can create whatever we want, if we work together to achieve it. Total employment is not a fantasy it is a right that we created a free society to achieve, not to banish. Poverty is not inevitable, it is the side effect of greed and the stupidity of competition. We created society to provide us with the benefits that social creatures need to survive; we created it to beat the downside of fate, and the hardships that limited lifespan brings to all. Instead we have created a society of predators and parasites; of rackets and the racketeers that are killing the society they feed on; that is the reality of capitalism; the reality of institutionalized greed. We can change it; no, we must change it. We must see that wealth is a standard we create and fashion to be what we want it to be. We must change it to make all prosper; just as we created this society for that very reason. How? Create one worldwide bank with branches in every country; create one currency for the world, and do away with all currency markets; let the government of each country print all the money needed to allow a minimum prosperity for all citizens of that country and to create total employment for all citizens who cannot find jobs in the private sector. Only governments will be the source of all money, and it will be given out under strict rules that will be determined to benefit society. Under this system no taxes will be needed and all private property can still be held. We must start to see that WE make the rules for the economy, they are not given, like the rules of a geometry. Will it be easy? No. But we must begin to realize that Capitalism is a contradiction to the democratic society we have made; it forgets that ALL we created it to serve. A freedom without that ALL is a freedom that we wanted to do away with, not institutionalize as we have done.

Mott's Demands Pay Cuts Despite $555M Profit
Workers in N.Y. Strike over $1.50-an-Hour Pay Cut and Pension Freeze as Parent Co. Dr. Pepper-Snapple Enjoys Record Profits

Living Off Toxic Trash in the Philippines
Thousands of Filipinos, Many of them Children, Make Ends Meet by Burning Toxic Clumps of Other People's Trash

$14 Trillion in Debt - Why You Should Care
CBS News In Focus: The Impact of
Deficits and Debt on our Lives and our Future

Nice Cool Lakes Getting Less So; NASA Finds World's Lakes Warming Up Twice As Much As Air

Meeting American Decline Face to Face
CBS News by “Juan R. I. Cole who is Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History at the University of Michigan “

'We are destroying life on Earth'
U.N. environment chief: World is facing worst extinction rate since dinosaurs vanished, body says

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Meeting American Decline Face to Face

With the following headlines of the "New Normal", "America's Decline", and the speculated ad showing "Americans working for China by 2030", the comment posted on Renaissance2's blog seems to hit the nail on the head ; especially so, as it clarifies the misconceptions some people think are the causes of America's decline: i.e.; "roosters, rabbits, Jane Fonda, illegal aliens, Democrats, Republicans..."

(reprinted with permission http://r2meshwork.ning.com/profiles/blogs/what-will-it-take-to-convert )

Comment to Four Years.Go "Converting diverse streams of the global movement into a mighty river":

I agree, "to first establish the beginnings of a balanced social perspective that recognizes a broader set of values” – but I add, ‘with the integration of simple, common sense, yet advanced science as common ground, rather than opinions and beliefs’.

Fortunately, the fathomless beauty of Nature the late Bucky Fuller points us toward, does not have a ‘catch 22’ playground between ‘chicken or the egg’, ‘science or big, ill designed, corporate, big brother, masters’. Like heads or tails, not to be denied, but seen from a viewing point rather than a point of view.

Understanding prevents this type of pseudo dichotomy as revealed by StarSteps, with scientific validation of the age old philosophies surmised by Walter Russell and Judge Thomas Troward, merging physics and metaphysics (Plato’s suggestion); Understanding the radius of curvature, symbolized by our ancestors with the circle & sine wave, un-hides the hidden variables, removes the foundational problems described in The Trouble With Physics, and as previously stated, leads toward self recognition of very advanced and practical solutions to contemporary “issues” on the tripod of reality - physical, mental/social, and the vague spiritual dimension revealed by the ‘zero point’ of no time, no space, also found in the realm of advanced martial arts and meditation.

This type of common sense/common ground of Understanding replaces unsupported beliefs, and opinions no longer valid, and would not tolerate the applied concept John Taylor Gotto, New York’s Teacher of the Year wrote about in "Dumbing Us Down".

This type of common sense/common ground of Understanding would not tolerate The Brookings Report’s false statement: Withholding of certain information from the public is necessary to prevent 'social disintegration' – while, in actuality, relinquishing suppression of certain simple, scientific, fundamentals connecting quantum and relativity, threaten governments and multinational corporations, an erosion of the power structure.

This type of common sense/common ground of Understanding would not tolerate, year after year, listening to our wonderful news helicopters tell us how stuck we are on the continuously deteriorating American freedom highway parking lots.

This type of common, self recognition Reality Ground, would, in a democracy, have everyone demanding and getting a Corporate redesign to mandate and serve Life Foremost, not Profit Foremost. (a lot more profit comes from serving life and the exploding population, a point Al Capone, Nero and Hitler would disagree with)

Industrial & Organizational Psychology would be brought back to the sustainability side to support the studies of IISD, Ralph Nader, Natural Capitalism, and dethrone The Divine Right of Capitalism (a corporate design uprooting our constitution) http://www.fuel2000.net/divineright.swf .

This will never happen without individual, followed by group self recognition of a larger grasp of the Infinite Wonder and Possibilities the grand design of Reality offers, grounded in a common sense and advanced Science of Understanding, our extended sensory tool, our strongest Ally by far.

Obama in Asia Bumps into the New World Order
Juan Cole: Meeting American Decline Face to Face in an Ascendant Asia
Unsurprisingly, beneath the pomp and splendor of Obama’s journey through Asia has lurked a far tawdrier vision -- of a much weakened president presiding over a much weakened superpower, both looking somewhat desperately for succor abroad. If the United States is to remain a global power, it is important that Washington offer something to the world besides arms and soldiers.

Obama has been on the money when he’s promoted green-energy technology as a key field where the United States could make its mark (and possibly its fortune) globally. Unfortunately, as elsewhere, here too the United States is falling behind, and a Republican House as well as a bevy of new Republican governors and state legislatures are highly unlikely to effectively promote the greening of American technology.

In the end, Obama’s trip has proven a less than effective symbolic transition from George W. Bush’s muscular unilateralism to a new American-led multilateralism in Asia. Rather, at each stop, Obama has bumped up against the limits of American economic and diplomatic clout in the new Asian world order.

George W. Bush and Dick Cheney thought in terms of expanding American conventional military weapons stockpiles and bases, occupying countries when necessary, and so ensuring that the U.S. would dominate key planetary resources for decades to come. Their worldview, however, was mired in mid-twentieth-century power politics.

If they thought they were placing a marker down on another American century, they were actually gambling away the very houses we live in and reducing us to a debtor nation struggling to retain its once commanding superiority in the world economy. In the meantime, the multi-millionaires and billionaires created by neoliberal policies and tax cuts in the West will be as happy to invest in (and perhaps live in) Asia as in the United States.

The New Normal: What to Expect of Our Economy
Wage Inequality Helped Drag the Middle Class Into a Great Recession
, So When Will What's Lost Be Regained - if Ever? http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/09/26/sunday/main6901893.shtml?tag=cbsContent;cbsCarousel

New Ad Shows U.S. Working for China in 2030, Pays Homage to "The Deficit Trials"
A new television ad by the watchdog group Citizens Against Government Waste (C.A.G.W.) puts forth a controversial "potential vision of the future": one in which the U.S. literally works for China http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20020435-503544.html?tag=cbsnewsSectionContent.5

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Sustainable Technology Solution: A Universal Appeal

Evolution and Sustainable Survival on Earth are synonymous - their known parameters of the boundless wonders our Universe presents to us through the lenses of a free science is a Right of Freedom everywhere.

Since the 1940's, new energy technologies have been available through the actual testing of Einstein's incomplete but testable portions of his Unified Field theory.

StarSteps further expands and clarifies Einstein's Unified Field Theory with the concept of the Radius Of Curvature Of All Natural Law. This did not change any of our mathematics, but dramatically changed the shallow and convoluted Interpretations the gods of science gave to Space, Time, Mass, Matter, Energy and Gravity - changed these factors to utter simplicity with extra ordinary application capacities.

As has been repeated constantly in these blog posts:
  • In short, the quantity C is the measure of the radius of curvature of natural law. It is the factor which will enable us to determine precisely the degree of change in the curvature of one law which will be brought about by a specified change in the application of the others. It is the factor which will eventually tell us how to place our transport vehicles in either the positive or negative portion of the gravitational curve with respect to the earth or any other planet which we may choose to visit.

  • When we state that the quantity C is the radius of the curvature of natural law, we mean simply that if a differential of energy equal to this quantity exists between the observer and the point which he is observing, the natural laws will be suspended. If the energy differential is in excess of the quantity C, the laws will appear to operate in reverse at that point.

While many may be apprehensive of the energy differential at the quantity C level (Einstein said the nuclear bomb was only a tiny fraction of the VC differential), electricity, the electrical nature of matter is always at that energy level, as the Theoretical explanation of the Biefeld-Brown Effect
suggests of the coupling between electricity and gravitation. Review http://freedomtimes.blogspot.com/2010/01/its-musical-universe.html

Also, from StarSteps - The shape of the gravitational curve is modified not only by the mass present but also by the number and position of the electrical charges, referring not only to the charges in the outer shell of the atom but to those within as well, and especially to the fact, not always realized, that the neutron possesses both a positive and a negative charge, although when united within the neutron they are not discernible as charges, but exist as energy which produces the gravitational field. When a better understanding of the laws is acquired, we will be able to produce any shape of curve we desire within the variable and interdependent factors of space, time, mass, matter, energy, and gravity through the common denominator of vibration/frequency.

The Sustainable Technology Solution Revolution: A Universal Appeal

by Brian O'Leary, Ph.D.,
Text of address to the Exemplar Zero Initiative Launch,
United Nations, New York, 10-10-10

Video presented at the United Nations from Sean Sullivan on Vimeo.

Brian O'Leary:
I believe technology
can change our course dramatically, but we must overcome the resistance of vested interests so that we can allow technology the opportunity to accomplish this. Over the past twenty years, I have seen numerous demonstrations of concepts of clean breakthrough energy, water purification and ecosystem restorations that appear to be miraculous, but are in fact very real and practical. Hard as it may be to accept, these miraculous inventions have been denied and suppressed by our mainstream culture. We have been silenced by the tyranny of vested interests. (Full Text of Video)http://www.brianoleary.info/TheSustainableTechnologySolutionRevolution.html

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Converting Diverse Streams of the Global Movement into a Mighty River

Evolution is Freedom's Choice; we can choose economic strangulation through a corporate design that resembles the dragon eating its own tail and repeat the 'rise and fall" history describes - or we can choose the boundless wonders our Universe presents to us through the lenses of a free science. Reprinted article from Evolution, Intelligent Design, Survival blog follows.

What will it take to convert the diverse streams of the global movement into a mighty river?
FOUR YEARS. GO. - A Campaign To Change The Course of History
The passion and commitment for change is everywhere. A million NGOs worldwide and hundreds of millions of individuals are engaged and active for sustainability, justice and fulfillment.

Evolution, Intelligent Design & Survival Open Letter reply:

One single priority.

One single priority common to all, among the diverse list of issues each are otherwise working on.

One single priority, without which the common goals of “a million NGOs and hundreds of millions of individuals engaged and active for sustainability, justice and fulfillment" will not be reached; the one single priority, which if not resolved, renders moot all our other common programs and goals; To date (last 48 years) similar well meaning, passionate and goodhearted individuals and groups have come and gone, failing to address this one priority.

That priority is Freedom in the Science of Energy Evolution.

Freedom in the Science of Energy Evolution has to be brought to the table as first priority of any and all programs of “wakeful organizations”

The “common sense” revelations arising from evolutionary energy systems will dissolve and solve every obstacle to sustainability, justice and fulfillment, as well as all issues presented by John Perkins, David Korten, Ralph Nader, Freedom Times, to name a few.

A comment contributed to this question in FOUR YEARS.GO, suggested “make it cool/valuable/status worthy to live a sustainable life”.

What could be more “cool” than to expand our reality to encompass: antigravity, transportation point to point (without going through all points in between), field propulsion, energy (H2) from water at less than 2 cents per gallon, energy medicine and healing, to name a few possibilities? ……………….With a Science and Technology understood at 4th grade level?

Our advanced modes of communication are ripe to instantly transmit the potential for shifting states of “Ah Ha” experiences; providing the expanding science window to reality is delivered in simple common sense terms, and leads to self recognition of very advanced and practical solutions to contemporary “issues”.

Science now acknowledges with demonstrated nuclear proof that “less is more”; so with advanced scientific theories. The more advanced Science and the study of Reality become, the more simple become the Understanding and profound applications of a truly modern Science as it expands the window to Reality in both the macro and micro realms - a necessary requisite for survival, sustainability and evolutionary processes; a principle that coincides precisely with a metaphysical Principle of Unity.

I provide some background on numerous links which take Plato’s original science spectrum, Physics to Metaphysics, to version 2010:

Fuel 2000 and Beyond http://fuel2000.net/

Freedom Times http://freedomtimes.blogspot.com/

Evolution, Intelligent Design, Survival http://evolution-intelligentdesign-survival.blogspot.com/

For those not shy of well known pioneers of science, a brief list of wholistic contributors are referenced. Their insights cohere with breaking down the seemingly opposed pillars of modern science, general relativity and quantum theory. Reducing them into simple, yet advanced scientific reality through the radius of curvature of all natural law, equated to the energy differential of light’s velocity.

From Einstein’s ‘incomplete 1928 unified field theory’ to a host of other players providing their insights – Walter Russell, Thomas Troward, Ken Wilber, Deepak Chopra, Brian O’Leary…….the list is exhaustive.

However, aside from Einstein, each still struggle with David Bohm’s “Hidden Variables, Leo Smolin’s The Trouble With Physics. , “Physics Awaiting New Options as Standard Model Idles since the 1970’s”, and Deepak Chopra’s review and questioning of The Grand Design: Hawking’s Grand Book, But Where Is the Design? http://deepakchopra.com/2010/09/hawkings-grand-book-but-where-is-the-design-part-2/#more-16578 .

Einstein’s reinterpreted, expanded version of relativity theory is found in StarSteps, provided by my mentor in layman’s, 4th grade level comprehension. It unifies statistical quantum mechanics with relativity, zero point, Walter Russell’s Light , and defines/quantifies the radius in The Yin Yang symbol’s sine wave as The Radius of Curvature of All Natural Law. The statement from a well known book, “Let there be Light” is now enhanced with far more practical meaning: Light’s velocity, converted into an energy differential is the measure of the radius of curvature of all natural law; This same energy differential (VC) is the total energy contained in each and every gram of atomic mass. It could be said, everything we see and touch is light in motion or light stationary. http://evolution-intelligentdesign-survival.blogspot.com/2010/01/its-musical-universe.html . Evolution, unimpeded, does not create the conditions of today.

Yet now, 66 years later, after first application, antigravity, transportation point to point (without going through all points in between), field propulsion, energy (H2) from water at less than 2 cents per gallon…all still seem strange or unknown in our contemporary disabled science …….. however no more strange than the gifts we are giving to future generations http://freedomtimes.blogspot.com/2010/07/our-gifts-to-future-generations.html . Surely we do not believe science is so so backward, it cannot get out of oil and lethal nuclear radioactive processes for energy use and application, a stagnation causing the increasing worldwide poverty gap.

Repeating From Evolution, Intelligent Design, Survival “Statistically, this period of evolution is now almost entirely under the control of conscious human intent and will, and far less influenced by unconscious instinct, genetic mutation and natural selection. Conscious intelligence through human intent usurped unconscious instinct, genetic mutation and natural selection as the evolutionary driver somewhere back in caveman days. Science and Technology, Humanity's extended senses, are at the Steering Wheel today. Blind Science and Technology with Government/Corporate secrecy, power, greed and lies, and Humanity’s future becomes obvious to all. In a Universe of Infinite Energy, the belief that “there is not enough to go around” defies every known concept of knowledge, intelligence, wisdom and understanding.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Will The Real Terrorists Stand Up?

"In all major regions of the world, the economic recession is deep-seated, resulting in mass unemployment, the collapse of state social programs and the impoverishment of millions of people. The meltdown of financial markets was the result of institutionalized fraud and financial manipulation. The economic crisis is accompanied by a worldwide process of militarization, a “war without borders” led by the U.S. and its NATO allies."

The Global Economic Crisis: The Great Depression of the XXI Century Brought About by: Energy Suppression and Restricted Education

Education Taking Einstein’s “incomplete (but testable and tested portions in the 1940’s) 1928 Unified Field Theory”, opened the doors to infinite decentralized energy source applications for antigravity, field propulsion, transportation of goods point to point without going through all points in between, energy medicine, etc. ….. along with overwhelming common sense insights of what not to do to destroy earth and it’s Life. (see StarSteps)

The Unifying Principle supporting the majority of contemporary new energy claims evolved from the 1940's advanced energy/fuel/propulsion tested concepts after WWII. These same concepts also brought subsequent advanced understanding of human nature, validating ageless Spiritual and Metaphysical Wisdom within the energy/frequency domains. This Unifying Principle, the radius of curvature of all natural law quantified the radius to the energy differential of the speed of light, shedding insight to many of the MIS- INTERPRETATIONS of the Theory of Relativity, i.e. as in, "nothing goes faster than the speed of light; when an object travels faster and faster, its mass increases (time slows, stops, goes backwards – approaching, at, exceeding VC);" or "As an object approaches the speed of light its mass becomes infinite."

The obvious subsequent realization of such short sighted, mis-interpreted errors swiftly correct to - the 'increasing mass' of the target is only the measure of the kinetic energy differential which exists between them http://fuel2000.net/ . This Unifying Principle completely overhauls the stubbornly persistent delusions, primitive definitions and stranglehold restrictions of E=MC2, permitting advances toward FTL (faster than light transportation), field dependent propulsion, polarization of gravity (anti-gravity), action at a distance, as well as "movement"/"transference", the appearance of motion, from one point to another without going through all points in between.

About the year 1905, Einstein brought to our attention that the factors of Gravity, Space,Time, and Energy were not the absolute and independent entities that we had always considered them to be, but that they were variable factors, each having a value which depended upon the value of the others.
  • In short, the quantity C is the measure of the radius of curvature of natural law. It is the factor which will enable us to determine precisely the degree of change in the curvature of one law which will be brought about by a specified change in the application of the others. It is the factor which will eventually tell us how to place our transport vehicles in either the positive or negative portion of the gravitational curve with respect to the earth or any other planet which we may choose to visit.
  • When we state that the quantity C is the radius of the curvature of natural law, we mean simply that if a differential of energy equal to this quantity exists between the observer and the point which he is observing, the natural laws will be suspended. If the energy differential is in excess of the quantity C, the laws will appear to operate in reverse at that point.
  • As it is impossible to disconnect this scientific unifying principle for advanced fuel and propulsion systems from Human energy systems (same atoms/molecules/ comprised of energy) we find this scientific Unifying Principle begins to validate the roots of ageless Spiritual and Metaphysical Principles. This poses a threat to the current Power Structure.
  • However, suppression and denial of these fourth grade concepts overthrowing relativity delusions, found in StarSteps, does threaten all life in evolving, energy intensive and complex civilizations. StarSteps http://fuel2000.net/starsteps.htm

Will The Real Terrorists Stand up and face the billions upon billions of untimely deaths the last half century stemming from economic strangulation and poverty during this age of modern science : hunger, starvation, malnutrition, disease... along with the looming, ongoing disasters sparked by global warming and ecological imbalance?

Another in the Ongoing Slowly Accelerating Economic Strangle hold data on Americans:

401K 'Hardship' Withdrawals Hit All-Time High
This risky trend is a sign of how far Americans are going to make ends meet

The Global Economic Crisis: The Great Depression of the XXI Century Despite the diversity of viewpoints and perspectives presented within this volume, all of the contributors ultimately come to the same conclusion: humanity is at the crossroads of the most serious economic and social crisis in modern history.

Global Research is pleased to announce the publication of a new book entitled The Global Economic Crisis, The Great Depression of the XXI Century, Michel Chossudovsky and Andrew Gavin Marshall, Editors. “This important collection offers the reader a most comprehensive analysis of the various facets – especially the financial, social and military ramifications – from an outstanding list of world-class social thinkers.”

In all major regions of the world, the economic recession is deep-seated, resulting in mass unemployment, the collapse of state social programs and the impoverishment of millions of people. The meltdown of financial markets was the result of institutionalized fraud and financial manipulation. The economic crisis is accompanied by a worldwide process of militarization, a “war without borders” led by the U.S. and its NATO allies.

This book takes the reader through the corridors of the Federal Reserve, into the plush corporate boardrooms on Wall Street where far-reaching financial transactions are routinely undertaken.

Each of the authors in this timely collection digs beneath the gilded surface to reveal a complex web of deceit and media distortion which serves to conceal the workings of the global economic system and its devastating impacts on people`s lives.

Michel Chossudovsky is an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (Emeritus) at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal. He is the author of The Globalization of Poverty and The New World Order (2003) and America’s “War on Terrorism” (2005). He is also a contributor to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. His writings have been published in more than twenty languages.

Andrew Gavin Marshall is an independent writer both on the contemporary structures of capitalism as well as on the history of the global political economy. He is a Research Associate with the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

“This important collection offers the reader a most comprehensive analysis of the various facets – especially the financial, social and military ramifications – from an outstanding list of world-class social thinkers.” -Mario Seccareccia, Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa

“In-depth investigations of the inner workings of the plutocracy in crisis, presented by some of our best politico-economic analysts. This book should help put to rest the hallucinations of ‘free market’ ideology.” -Michael Parenti, author of God and His Demons and Contrary Notions

“Provides a very readable exposé of a global economic system, manipulated by a handful of extremely powerful economic actors for their own benefit, to enrich a few at the expense of an ever-growing majority.” -David Ray Griffin, author of The New Pearl Harbor Revisited

The complex causes as well as the devastating consequences of the economic crisis are carefully scrutinized with contributions from Ellen Brown, Tom Burghardt, Michel Chossudovsky, Richard C. Cook, Shamus Cooke, John Bellamy Foster, Michael Hudson, Tanya Cariina Hsu, Fred Magdoff, Andrew Gavin Marshall, James Petras, Peter Phillips, Peter Dale Scott, Bill Van Auken, Claudia von Werlhof and Mike Whitney.

Despite the diversity of viewpoints and perspectives presented within this volume, all of the contributors ultimately come to the same conclusion: humanity is at the crossroads of the most serious economic and social crisis in modern history.

"This meticulous, vital, timely and accessible work unravels the history of a hydra-headed monster: military, media and politics, culminating in “humanity at the crossroads”; the current unprecedented economic and social crisis… From the first page of the preface of The Global Economic Crisis, the reasons for all unravel with compelling clarity. For those asking “why?” this book has the answers." –Felicity Arbuthnot, award-winning author and journalist based in London.

"The current economic crisis, its causes and hopefully its cure have been a mystery for most people. I welcome a readable exposition of the global dimensions of the crisis and hope for some clarity on how to better organize money locally and internationally for the future." -Dr. Rosalie Bertell, renowned scientist, Alternative Nobel Prize laureate and Regent, International Physicians for Humanitarian Medicine, Geneva

"This work is much more than a path-breaking and profound historical analysis of the actors and institutions, it is an affirmation of the authors’ belief that a better world is feasible and that it can be achieved by collective organized actions and faith in the sustainability of a democratic order." -Frederick Clairmonte, distinguished analyst of the global political economy and author of the 1960s classic, The Rise and Fall of Economic Liberalism: The Making of the Economic Gulag

"Decades of profligate economic policies and promiscuous military interventions reached a critical mass, exploding in the meltdown of globalization in 2008. Today, the economic meltdown is reconfiguring everything – global society, economy and culture. This book is engineering a revolution by introducing an innovative global theory of economics." -Michael Carmichael, prominent author, historian and president of the Planetary Movement

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Rescuing Science from Politics –Putting Science Before Politics

A more dramatic and law detailed look at the processes at work in the ongoing sellout of American Democracy and wholesale blockage of expanding democracy worldwide. Note, without the first priority, “Rescuing Science from Politics” (CUNY Law School), all other efforts will be completely futile and a total failure. Energy evolution cannot remain at the bottom or sidelined list of priorities (as in MoveOn’s other 98% activities), especially when every known threat to human survival, evolution, sustainability….. stems from, and is caused by, a lack of Understanding and application of advanced energy systems since the late 1940's.

The slightest perusal into the science of energy glaringly spotlights the impossibility of modern science to still be stuck in oil, or in the extremely elementary and deadly form of nuclear energy. Taking Einstein’s “incomplete (but testable and tested portions in the 1940’s) 1928 Unified Field Theory”, opened the doors to infinite decentralized energy source applications for antigravity, field propulsion, transportation of goods point to point without going through all points in between, energy medicine, etc. ….. along with overwhelming common sense insights of what not to do to destroy earth and it’s Life. (see StarSteps)

Rescuing Science from Politics –Putting Science Before Politics

The Center For Progressive Reform

Putting Science Before Politics

Excessive Secrecy in Government

Undercutting the Democratic Process and Protecting Corporations from Accountability

Rebecca is a Professor at The City University of New York School of Law and a scholar at the Center for Progressive Reform. Rebecca Bratspies, Professor, joined the faculty of CUNY Law in 2004. Her teaching and scholarly research focus on environmental and public international law, with a particular emphasis on how legal systems govern the global commons and how law can further sustainable development. She has published widely on the topics of environmental liability, regulatory uncertainty, regulation of international fisheries, and regulation of genetically modified food crops.

“A point has been reached in history when we must shape our actions throughout the world with a more prudent care for their environmental consequences. Through ignorance or indifference we can do massive and irreversible harm to the earthly environment . . . .”1

The problem is that the world has changed, and the boundaries of authoritative decision are no longer clear. Where states formerly would have pursued their own vision and balance, a world of ever denser interconnection means that the two perspectives, even if wholly valid expressions of community preference, cannot readily co-exist. As decisionmaking centralizes, the struggle over which approach will attain dominance becomes increasingly contentious.

This contest takes place against a backdrop of a world that not only embraces sustainable development, but is also in the throes of unparalleled industrial growth and integration. As such, it is one salvo in a broader struggle for dominance between those who view the world through the lens of the market and its efficiency, and those who would order society according to other values.

Globalization, and particularly the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) radically reconfigured decision making for many important public decisions. International organizations and transnational corporations now play a role in decisions that had formerly been the purview of states. This shift in turn raises questions about democratic legitimacy and whether such decisions are truly “authoritative”

Critics of this shift point to a democracy deficit. They contend that the rising role of the WTO, coupled with the growing influence of transnational corporations both domestically and internationally, means that the key decisionmakers—and the states that use the WTO processes—are no longer democratically accountable to citizens.

The realities of global warming, ozone depletion, desertification, and spreading invasive species make a mockery of the traditional distinction between transboundary and wholly domestic harms. If we are to live together and flourish on our shrinking, warming planet, we must reach beyond oversimplified and dated dichotomies, ones that place international and domestic law in separate realms. In the globalized arena, few, if any, matters are purely domestic. Instead, countless decisions made by individuals, private
corporate actors, and government officials at every level have effects beyond the borders of any single nation-state. The New Haven School’s efforts to grapple with the global community as an authoritative decisionmaker resonate profoundly with the struggle to confront global environmental challenges.

Our current economic system is an aristocracy according to Marjorie Kelly, The Devine Right of Capital. Think British rule of the American colonies. It's based on the divine right of kings: The interests of the king are paramount; the aristocracy alone has a say in government. At the center of the economic aristocracy we have today is the corporation, its authority based on the divine right of capital. Shareholders are king and their interests reign supreme. The aristocracy's primary goal is to pay shareholders as much as possible and pay employees as little as possible.The public good is ignored.
“To rest our hope with ethical leaders is like waiting for the philosopher king. At some point you wake up and realize aristocracy itself is the problem–and you move to democracy–you don’t wait for justice and equality to show up in some noble leader, you build them into social structures.” (Marjorie Kelly)
“The aim is to educate people that the problem isn’t greedy executives or evil individual corporations like Exxon.
The problem is the system design. The problem is state law that says corporations exist only to maximize gains for shareholders.”

Toppling the Corporate Aristocracy
Nearly a dozen lawmakers have been honored by university endowments financed in part by corporations with business before Congress, posing some potential conflicts
Current or Former Lawmakers Linked to Endowments Made by Corporations - NYTimes.com

Food Stamp Recipients, Millionaires, on Rise

How peculiar our converted Freedom truly is, as we sit immobilized on freedom's oil highways, contemplating how our freedom rule of laws are created .... and ignore the hungry, homeless, jobless ….. and ignore worldwide, slow murder by poverty, in an age of miraculous science, technology and understanding (see gifts to future generations - previous post), as we make excuses for no jobs in a world exploding in population growth, need and demand.

Food Stamp Recipients, Millionaires, on Rise abcnews.go.com