"Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others. . .they send forth a ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."Robert F. Kennedy
Using grade school physics of both Newtonian and Nuclear models, does anyone foresee counter currents of sufficient size to minimize/change direction of the huge 'Tsunami' roaring down on us, taking away not only our Freedom, but our Lives? Regardless if our salaries are dependant on us not knowing the inconvenient truths of reality (global warming, corporate rule, stagnant energy science) portrayed by the rare articles in the news media? I know only one - a free science, our window to Reality - that easily resolves the Foundational Problem of Quantum Physics and takes E=MC2 out of Kindergarten

Full Text Individual Post Reading

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Capitalism Highlights: Predator, Bailout, Terrorist - Triumphs Of 21st Century

Freedom Times Projecting Forward on Appleby's "An Impossible World?", Another Submission, Another Rejection Letter From A Publisher:

Capitalism Highlights: Predator, Bailout, Terrorist - Triumphs Of 21st Century

Appleby: Bailout Nation: Capitalism Highlights: Predator, Bailout, Terrorist - Triumphs of 21st Century. 'Bailout Nation' Author Rips $14T Rescue'

Publisher: First and foremost, Mr. Appleby, do you have any comprehension of the significant size which a fourteen trillion currency value represents? ........... Who in this universe would trash this devastating size of accumulated energy and effort, for self-serving, self-centered, obscene profit and greed, precipitating near global economic collapse which the economically strangled people pay for again in bailouts? ............ Do you comprehend that tiny portions of these funds in research and development would wipe out all disease and save countless lives and alleviate untold misery and suffering? ........ Starvation would be non-existent ......... Wholesome education (not robot, disconnected, specialized, corporate slave sponsored education) would eliminate poverty ....... With wholesome education, "plastic band aids" and corn would not be considered as solutions to the stagnant energy crisis, pollution, and ecological imbalance causing global warming with deadly consequences rivaled only by fables and legends ........... What kind of population would support this kind of system and play trivia in their spare time? .......... What kind of population with an awareness of its past, a history ripe with feudal systems, kings, despots and dictators, would permit non-living Entities, devoid of a bill of rights (Corporations) to create systems peoples lives depend upon? ....... And allow these non-living Entities to buy/create their own laws, corrupt the politics of nations, seize, hoard, and wield for themselves most of the wealth of the human race? ........ Freedom and Democracy - for the people, by the people, of the people - does not disconnect from Survival with that gigantic of a gap, a gap so huge it can only be measured in light-year parallel. ............. We must reject your story, as we do not have a readership that could connect with your disconnect. Your world in your story does not fit in the realm of universal possibility, and is impossible.

Appleby's world, "a world where he never had to pay a power bill, where heating and cooling were free of energy costs, where his water was pure and veggies local and fresh, and where a four hour work day allowed him ample spare time to indulge in his writing fantasies. Outside, the air was fresh and the streets clean. Everyone had a job, and in this world-the real world-there were no clandestine powers holding back progress. All received a fair share for their efforts"
An Impossible World? Excerpt from The Energy Solution Revolution by Brian O'Leary http://freedomtimes.blogspot.com/2009/04/impossible-world.html

Credibility for Appleby's world provided by Freedom Times & StarSteps:The Radius of Curvature of all Natural Law principle buried within the equation E=MC2 unified Physics and Metaphysics. In short, the quantity C was the measure of the radius of curvature of natural law. It was the factor enabling us to determine precisely the degree of change in the curvature of one law which is brought about by a specified change in the application of the others (i.e., using the common denominator equivalents of space, time, mass, matter, energy, gravity). Stating that the quantity C is the radius of the curvature of natural law, simply means that if a differential of energy equal to this quantity exists between the observer and the point which he is observing, the natural laws will be suspended. If the energy differential is in excess of the quantity C, the laws will appear to operate in reverse at that point. In effect, an unlimited, multidimensional universe opened, dissolving the light barrier and single pole gravitational limitation, merging science and spiritual dimensions to a unified, as above so below, foundation of previously unimaginable prosperity, abundance, health and well being, opening the gateway, the steps to the stars.

"Poverty in all its forms is the greatest single threat to peace, democracy, human rights, and the environment. It is a time bomb against the heart of liberty" World Trade Organization Director Mike Moore.

"Inadequate comprehension and application of Energy, in all its forms, in an increasingly complex and evolving civilization, is the single greatest causal factor of poverty - and the vehicle to self-destruct." Decatalyst

"As systems increase in complexity, their energy intensity and energy requirements to sustain life rise accordingly." Hydrocarbons ceased fitting the energy bill, became obsolete, years ago. Nobel Prize winner , Ilya Progogine
Revisiting the Nature of Power:

Onward the capitalist machine marches, as it grinds down the vast majority of citizens, plunders our environment, ignores treaty obligations and ignores the problems of the inner cities. Inside the country, economic and social bad news multiply with a joint relentlessness. The public education system is in crisis and health insurance for 50 million Americans simply does not exist. The unemployment rates in the US mount inexorably, as more jobs are lost every day.
Capitalism as an Imperialist 'tool' Neoimperialism: Skimming the Cream Chapter 1 of Against Empire
http://www.michaelparenti.org/AgainstEmpire.html by Michael Parenti. Michael Parenti received his Ph.D. in political science from Yale University in 1962

Mild shock and disbelief barely registered in the nation of the most productive, overworked, underpaid, underinsured, vacation deprived, low paid slave/workers in the world, as they watched their bridges fall down along with their retirement savings in equity & stocks, while their taxes, gas, energy and food costs continued skyrocketing to uncharted realms and many continue to lose their homes and go hungry; as the masses stagnated in unmovable traffic, and government departments threatened to close due to lack of funds - On the bright side, the worldwide corporate 2% greedy guts, individually, had aplenty, more wealth than 30 nations combined, apiece.... irrelevant to who is paying for their errors (as in subprime loans).As common sense in science is lost with the continued stagnation of our energy base and deep troubling theoretical foundational issues in physics, so too, Civilization's Survival Parameters fly out of sight, out of mind, along with the values and morals inherent within new scientific understanding which new energy systems would reveal. Scientific Stagnation bodes an ill wind to evolution, sustainability, and survival as "cycles of humiliation, dumbing us down, violence, and Unrestrained Corporate Greed prompting resource wars with nuclear finality" join hands with global warming and ecological imbalance to precipitate the historical "rise and fall of civilization" - a Tsunami accelerating toward us with a far more spectacular event than the legends and myths of 'Atlantis and Lemuria"........ had more people known that Energy from Corn (or going backwards to a dimwitted concept of radioactive nuclear power application ) sounded a wee bit kindergartenish and senile for the twenty first century......the Future may have had a chance.

"Corporism: The Systemic Disease that Destroys Civilization."
http://www.countercurrents.org/glo-reiner11503.htm Huge corporations now control America's body politic by reason of their bald-faced purchases of the three branches of the American government and America's major media. by Ken Reiner: kreiner@earthlink.net 05/09/03: I view the continuing growth of corporate power and its despotic control of governments throughout the world, including our own, as a socio-economic disease. While Mussolini and others named it "Fascism," I call it "Corporism" because that name better reveals its underlying institutional structure. I would define Corporism as the domination of government and society by the emergence and power of the giant publicly-traded multinational corporations and financial institutions, organized in totalitarian hierarchies, which singly and in combinations buy or destroy their competitors, corrupt the politics of nations, and seize, hoard, and wield for themselves most of the wealth of the human race.
We must recognize that we do have this cancerous disease, what it is doing to us and the world we live in, how it came about historically, and how and why it continues to be generated and sustained now in our society. Just as computer viruses find their ways into the software of our computers and destroy their operation, Corporism, promulgating itself by financial, legal, and technological means, has infected society in ways that lead to the hoarding of human resources, increasing insecurity and misery for the bulk of the world's population, perhaps even to worldwide holocaust. We must conquer this disease if we are to survive.


'Self-Inflicted Damage': Highlights From 'Bailout Nation'
A New Book From Bailout Critic Barry Ritholtz Takes on Citigroup, Chrysler and More
'Bailout Nation' Author Rips $14T Rescue

May 27, 2009—
How long does it take to explain how the U.S. government has ended up spending billions of dollars in taxpayer funds to bail out some of the country's largest, most well-known corporations?
If you check with bailout critic and Fusion IQ chief executive Barry Ritholtz, the answer is about 300 pages. "Bailout Nation, Ritholtz's new book, "points fingers and lays the blame at a number of places," the author told ABCNews.com.
"Now that the worst of the crisis is over, we need to start thinking about how this happened and how we can prevent it from happening again in the future," Ritholtz said. "It's important not only that we avoid repeating the mistake but we figure out the causes of this and then start setting about repairing the damage that was done."
Below are some of the highlights of the analysis in Ritholtz's book, courtesy of the book's publisher, Wiley.
From 'Bailout Nation'
1. This was not a "perfect storm" -- unforeseeable random events that just happened. In reality, it was a series of conscious decisions made by investment banks, commercial banks, government officials, regulators and central bankers that were simply awful. 2. The bailout has cost more so far than the Marshall Plan, the Louisiana Purchase, the race to the Moon, the S&L crisis, the Korean War, The New Deal, the Gulf War II/Invasion of Iraq, Vietnam War, NASA and War World II COMBINED. (Oh, and that includes adjusting the other expenses for inflation).
3. The CEOs of the biggest 15 investment banks, mortgage firms and commercial banks "retired" from the firms they helped to ruin, and took home more than $1.5 billion in compensation.
4. Warren Buffet offered Lehman Brothers a multi-billion dollar investment that would have saved the firm. Dick Fuld, Lehman's CEO, turned him down, so he invested it in Goldman Sachs instead.
5. No, contrary to popular rumor, AIG was not brought down by the collapse of Lehman Brothers. In fact, AIG's exposure to LEH was balanced. Instead, they were like two swimmers caught in the same riptide. And the same forces that led to Lehman's demise also killed AIG: too much leverage, too much sub-prime mortgage exposure, too little risk management.
Highlights From 'Bailout Nation' (cont.)
6. When the United States bailed out Chrysler in 1980, the UAW had 1.5 million members and the Big 3 had a 75 percent U.S. market share. Since that "successful" bailout, the UAW is down to 400,000 members and falling; the Big Three fell below a 50 percent U.S. market share for the first time in May 2008.
7. Nearly every bailout had followed the same script: similar timeliness, official statements, stock action, politics and, ultimately, taxpayer money.
8. Much of the damage to these companies was self-inflicted: the excess leverage, mortgage exposure, deregulation and lowering of credit standards took place at the behest of these firms. They were not killed by others, they committed suicide.
9. The S&L crisis wasn't a bailout; it was a payout on a federally funded deposit insurance program.
10. The total cost of the bailouts so far, including loans, guarantees, assumption of risk and outright gifts, exceeds $14 trillion.
11. The Troubled Assets Relief Program was an elaborate ruse designed to hide the fact that Citigroup was insolvent.
12. Wells Fargo bought Wachovia for $15 billion, but managed to squeeze a $74 billion tax shelter through the IRS for the purchase. Net profit, $59 billion dollars, pretty nice for one day's work.
13. Citigroup had been lobbying for the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act since the 1980s. They finally got their wish, and it helped destroy the bank.
2009 ABC News Internet Ventures

Monday, May 25, 2009

How to Travel at Warp Speed

Freedom Times Projecting Forward on Appleby's "An Impossible World?", Another Submission, Another Rejection Letter From A Publisher:

How to Travel at Warp Speed

Appleby: Physicists Suggest Warp Speed May Be Theoretically Possible, but Unlikely ........

Publisher: We must reject your story outright. Strange, even bizarre works of fiction or highly imaginative sci-fi are very acceptable to our general clientele. However, outright implication of fourth grade, elementary school level science concepts not being taught (i.e., the simplified and expanded version of E=MC2), not grasped, or even considered by high school students, college students, the adult population at large, or the highest levels of academia, the masters of science, is far more nonsense then fiction or sci-fi. (StarSteps-The Radius of Curvature of Natural Law)

Publisher: Furthermore, concepts of warp bubbles, worm holes, shrink space, space-time fabrics are below the level of enjoyment our loony toon readership prefers. What civilizations in the universe that have developed science and technology to the degree in your story, would not comprehend the slightly advanced definitions of space and time, namely degrees of energy differentials? Once the equation E=MC2 is understood, and you write that it was brought to light over a 100 years ago, frames of reference, inertial frames, transformation of co-ordinates, translation relativity should have gone out the door, with the 3D flat space, flat time concepts joining the outdated flat earth concept, and substituted by their equivalent representations, degrees of energy differentials.

Publisher: And more to the furthermore, how could any intelligent species sit for 100 years upon such delusional concepts of: "as an object travels faster and faster, its mass increases," or "As an object approaches the speed of light its mass becomes infinite." The obvious subsequent realization of such a short sighted error swiftly corrects to - the 'increasing mass' of the target is only the measure of the kinetic energy differential which exists between them (specified reference points between which measurements are made - else measurement is meaningless). The mass approaches infinity only as the energy level approaches that of the accelerating force. In the case of the quantity C, usually called the velocity of light (VC), the differential is equal to 3 x 10(10) centimeters per second, or if we convert this velocity to its equivalent energy we would have 9 x 10(20) ergs per gram of mass - further notating a most significant relationship property of light/energy and mass/matter: the VC energy differential is also exactly equal to the total energy inherent in any gram of matter, resulting in the natural outcome, that the quantity C is the radius of the curvature of natural law, simply meaning, that if a differential of energy equal to this quantity exists between the observer and the point which he is observing, the natural laws will be suspended. If the energy differential is in excess of the quantity C, the laws will appear to operate in reverse at that point. Since the velocity of light energy differential can also manifest as a frequency, polarizing gravity becomes possible at the local, here and now, level. (StarSteps)

Publisher: Furthermore, a concluding furthermore, how is it possible that any civilization which has scientifically defined light and its fundamental integrated properties, not understand, by definition, we cannot see faster than the speed of light. The whole ball game automatically evolves to varying (Not Absolute) Relationships of space, time, mass, matter, energy and gravity, where a change to one factor causes changes to the others; making possible faster than light, antigravity, movement from one point to another without going through all points in between, and so on. We must reject your story on the basis that it is not possible for any slightly advanced scientific civilization not to comprehend the basic fundamentals of evolutionary life and energy ....... regardless of one of your religious fables, “you shall have eyes, but not see; you shall have ears but will not hear” - a legendary, but true psychological motto, which does not pass muster, does not pass the reality test, to such a high level of blindness.

As for scientific suppression, conspiracy to prevent awesome weapons use and misuse, please note the critical wisdom tools are automatically comprehended in evolving societies, a natural occurrence in universal life, evolution and survival; wisdom tools which foster profound comprehension and actually become a self deterrent against misuse. Nature itself possesses inherent self preservation tendencies, built in Fail-safes. The understanding required for the development and application of evolutionary advanced energy stages are not possible without integration of the four sciences, Physical, Mental, Social, Spiritual, making advanced energy systems beyond nuclear impossible to misuse with even the barest glimpse of wisdom sciences integrated with the extended principles of E=MC2. Such is the profound effect comprehension brings, as it totally and scientifically, connects all the sciences: Physical, Mental, Social, Spiritual. (http://fadingillusionviarealitycurve.blogspot.com Sunday, December 12, 2004 Blog, "and yet, by secrecy and silence, the death sentence was also sealed")

Appleby's world, "a world where he never had to pay a power bill, where heating and cooling were free of energy costs, where his water was pure and veggies local and fresh, and where a four hour work day allowed him ample spare time to indulge in his writing fantasies. Outside, the air was fresh and the streets clean. Everyone had a job, and in this world-the real world-there were no clandestine powers holding back progress. All received a fair share for their efforts"
An Impossible World? Excerpt from The Energy Solution Revolution by Brian O'Leary http://freedomtimes.blogspot.com/2009/04/impossible-world.html

Credibility for Appleby's world provided by Freedom Times & StarSteps: The Radius of Curvature of all Natural Law principle buried within the equation E=MC2 unified Physics and Metaphysics. In short, the quantity C was the measure of the radius of curvature of natural law. It was the factor enabling us to determine precisely the degree of change in the curvature of one law which is brought about by a specified change in the application of the others (i.e., using the common denominator equivalents of space, time, mass, matter, energy, gravity). Stating that the quantity C is the radius of the curvature of natural law, simply means that if a differential of energy equal to this quantity exists between the observer and the point which he is observing, the natural laws will be suspended. If the energy differential is in excess of the quantity C, the laws will appear to operate in reverse at that point. In effect, an unlimited, multidimensional universe opened, dissolving the light barrier and single pole gravitational limitation, merging science and spiritual dimensions to a unified, as above so below, foundation of previously unimaginable prosperity, abundance, health and well being, opening the gateway, the steps to the stars.

How to Travel at Warp Speed
Physicists Suggest it May Be Theoretically Possible, but Unlikely
OPINION By LEE DYE May 13, 2009 — ABC news

Here's the good news for all those "Star Trek" enthusiasts out there -- a couple of physicists think they've figured out how to travel faster than the speed of light without breaking the laws of physics.
But here's the bad news -- we may have to sacrifice Jupiter to get there.
Gerald Cleaver, associate professor of physics at Baylor University, and his post-doctoral researcher, Richard Obousy, have combined some of the most elusive fields in physics, including string theory and general relativity, to concoct a scheme to move "Star Trek's" warp speed a little closer to reality. Very little, that is.
The folks who produce the "Star Trek" flicks have never explained how the good ship Enterprise can speed through the universe faster than a beam of light. That minor achievement is necessary if humans are ever to explore the galaxy's back yard, not to mention the distant reaches of the universe.
The only problem is Albert Einstein said it couldn't be done.
"Objects that have mass cannot travel at the speed of light," Cleaver said in an interview. According to Einstein's famous equation, "as an object travels faster and faster, its mass increases," he added. "As an object approaches the speed of light its mass becomes infinite."
'Warp Bubble' Needed for Interstellar Travel
In other words, a speck of dust traveling at the speed of light would have infinite mass, and it would take an infinite amount of energy to get it moving anywhere near that fast. So that pretty well knocks humans off the passenger list on the Starship Enterprise.
Not so fast, say Cleaver and Obousy, who have expanded upon a theory first proposed in 1994 by Michael Alcubierre, a Mexican physicist. Never mind warp drive, Alcubierre declared, what we really need for interstellar travel is a warp bubble. Alcubierre theorized that mass may be limited by Einstein's calculations, but that doesn't necessarily apply to space.
It might be possible, the Baylor researchers contend, to expand space behind a vehicle, say the Enterprise, and shrink space in front of it, thereby creating a bubble that could move through Einstein's space-time fabric at speeds much greater than the speed of light.
Surfing a Wave, Space-Time Style
The craft would ride inside the bubble as the bubble moved through space, but the craft itself would remain stationary, thus avoiding that little problem suggested by Einstein. Cleaver, who earned his doctorate at the California Institute of Technology, in the heart of surfing country, likens it to "surfing a wave."
But how does one create such a bubble? At this point, the story gets a little complicated.
The universe, which includes all sorts of stuff with mass, is itself expanding at speeds greater than the speed of light. We've known that since the 1970s, Cleaver said.
A fraction of a second after the Big Bang, the universe began expanding faster than the speed of light "in a very, very short time because if it had not we would not have seen the overall very, very uniform temperature cross the universe in all directions."
Throwing in a little string theory (the current rage among physicists who are searching for a reliable theory of everything) Cleaver said the universe "grew from something a billionth of a trillionth the size of the nucleus of an atom to about the size of a basketball," during its first second. "When it did that, space itself was expanding faster than the speed of light."
Replicating the Early Seconds of the Universe
Cleaver, who studied under the legendary John Schwartz at Caltech, a leader in string theory, postulated that it might be possible to partially replicate that early second by manipulating positive and negative dark energy, believed to be the driving forces behind the expansion of the universe.
Put positive energy behind the spacecraft, and negative energy in front of the spacecraft, and that should propel the craft along at warp speed.
"Space in front of the ship is shrinking faster than the speed of light, and behind it, space is expanding faster than the speed of light," and that should push the bubble along with the ship inside, "just like riding a wave."
But how do you do that? Not all the answers are in yet, but the Baylor pair theorizes that with enough energy, it might be possible to alter the 11th dimension, a key part of string theory, which maintains that there are far more than the three dimensions we common folk see on earth.
Converting Jupiter Into Energy?
With enough energy, the "space-time dimension" in front of and behind the Starship Enterprise could at least start the bubble on its way, Cleaver suggested.
"The initial energy required would be on a par with the total mass of Jupiter," he said. "If you could convert Jupiter into energy," the bubble could be launched.
But it would probably require much more energy to stabilize the system and keep the bubble moving toward an infinite number of other universes, according to string theory, that are so far away their light has not reached us yet, and thus cannot be seen.
Cleaver admits he doesn't expect to see that happen.
"This is purely a theoretical discussion of how the Alcubierre effect could theoretically be achieved through string theory," he said.
But there's a few more problems. Scientists are at odds with each other over whether string theory should even be considered science.
Many maintain that the theory cannot be proved, or disproved, as far as is known, so it isn't science. Others hold out hope that some very expensive machines in the future may verify, or debunk, the theory.
So the Starship Enterprise is coasting through very thin air, to say the least. Even if it could travel at near the speed of light, it would take more than four years to reach the nearest star beyond our solar system, and hundreds of years to reach very many stars that could have planets with life.
But "Star Trek" is a movie, after all. It doesn't have to be based on facts. Besides, how many Jupiters can we spare?
ABC News Internet Ventures

The Predator and the Terrorist

An Impossible World? Excerpt from The Energy Solution Revolution by Brian O'Leary

Appleby's world, "a world where he never had to pay a power bill, where heating and cooling were free of energy costs, where his water was pure and veggies local and fresh, and where a four hour work day allowed him ample spare time to indulge in his writing fantasies. Outside, the air was fresh and the streets clean. Everyone had a job, and in this world-the real world-there were no clandestine powers holding back progress. All received a fair share for their efforts" Credibility provided by Freedom Times & StarSteps The Radius of Curvature of all Natural Law principle buried within the equation E=MC2 unified Physics and Metaphysics. In short, the quantity C was the measure of the radius of curvature of natural law. It was the factor enabling us to determine precisely the degree of change in the curvature of one law which is brought about by a specified change in the application of the others (i.e., using the common denominator equivalents of space, time, mass, matter, energy, gravity). Stating that the quantity C is the radius of the curvature of natural law, simply means that if a differential of energy equal to this quantity exists between the observer and the point which he is observing, the natural laws will be suspended. If the energy differential is in excess of the quantity C, the laws will appear to operate in reverse at that point. In effect, an unlimited, multidimensional universe opened, dissolving the light barrier and single pole gravitational limitation, merging science and spiritual dimensions to a unified, as above so below, foundation of previously unimaginable prosperity, abundance, health and well being, opening the gateway, the steps to the stars.

Freedom Times Projecting Forward on Appleby's "An Impossible World?", Another Submission, Another Rejection Letter From A Publisher:

The Predator and the Terrorist

Appleby: The Predator and the Terrorist
Infinite War against Terrorism: so long as the Predator exists and steals food from the mouths of children, there will be the stamped label, “Terrorists” or “Freedom Fighters”

Publisher: Mr. Appleby, I clearly do not understand your theme: Corporations, the backbone of the economic system providing all the resources required for life – food, shelter, transportation, medical, jobs - from fuel/oil/energy institutions, to huge multinational financial institutions, all acting as predators? In the financial sector, mortgages selling to the highest bidder worthless, unsecured securities creating worldwide financial collapse? With credit card usury rates and fees causing a $4000.00 credit card debt to metamorphosis into a $40,000 pseudo mortgage look alike? Institutions creating these financial wonders while using OPM’s (other people’s money) with a savings return rate almost equivalent to zero. It puts your Al Capone and other historical monster entities to shame and insignificance in comparison. And then the hedge funds, the hyenas’ hysterical joy and laughter over their immense profits, as old people froze in the winter because they could not afford to pay the $6000 to $10000 per month heating costs created by market manipulation. Then, your creative writing adds gas price fluctuation of 60% claiming market demand causation? A 60% decline in demand? But your traffic jams are worse than before the decline? Absurdity upon absurdity. Maybe you should add “honest Al Capone” was permitted to police/regulate himself” in a free market economy. Utterly absurd and impossible.

Publisher: Furthermore, isn’t a predator that financially strangles, chokes, and destroys life, exactly the same a Terrorist? Just because the destruction takes place over longer time spans, making the suffering, anguish and death even greater in intensity, does not nullify, absolve, and excuse the predator. The billions of deaths just to women and children alone over the last 60 years from poverty, starvation, thirst, malnutrition, disease is enough to make one puke in disgust if such a world as you describe were even possible. And topping it off with your SOP “need to know” secrecy, from corporate boardrooms to government and military installations, is not representative of freedom, specifically if such denial of scientific data threatens the sustainability and evolution of living systems, as in energy stagnation. And then madness upon madness, you say the population is being dumbed down and made hostile to science? Science, the understanding tool which expands a population’s window to Reality necessary to sustain evolution and survival, suppressed? Common sense dictates advanced energy systems required for evolving complex civilizations to survive, also mandates a civilization possess and embrace the critical wisdom tools that are natural to universal life, evolution and survival; wisdom tools that foster profound comprehension and actually become a self deterrent against misuse. Nature itself possesses inherent self preservation tendencies, built in Fail-safes. The understanding required for the development and application of evolutionary advanced energy stages are not possible without integration of the four sciences, Physical, Mental, Social, Spiritual, making advanced energy systems beyond nuclear impossible to misuse with even the barest glimpse of wisdom sciences integrated with the extended principles of E=MC2. Such is the profound effect comprehension brings, as it totally and scientifically, connects all the sciences: Physical, Mental, Social, Spiritual. (http://fadingillusionviarealitycurve.blogspot.com Sunday, December 12, 2004 Blog, "and yet, by secrecy and silence, the death sentence was also sealed")

Publisher: Furthermore, and more precisely, who could be so blind as not to perceive the darkness cloaked behind your flag of freedom? Who could be so blind, in a world of six billion rapidly increasing population, to believe countless numbers of these people no longer need the necessities of food, shelter, transportation, medical, or the extra luxuries that make life more pleasant. How in God’s name could any population with intelligence anywhere in the universe, permit an economic downturn, almost to the edge of collapse, even with such a sick and rotten to the core system as you describe? The survival needs of six billion people would not allow that intense and obscene kind of greed. Who could fail to see the deadly Emperor syndrome of unregulated corporate mergers, one king, the rest serfs, one kingly mistake, all die? Who could believe in your fabled Chinese quote, “the dragon eating its own tail until it was dead” would be acted out? I am sorry; we cannot publish such idiocy for our readers.

"Poverty in all its forms is the greatest single threat to peace, democracy, human rights, and the environment. It is a time bomb against the heart of liberty" World Trade Organization Director Mike Moore.

"Inadequate comprehension and application of Energy, in all its forms, in an increasingly complex and evolving civilization, is the single greatest causal factor of poverty - and the vehicle to self-destruct." Decatalyst

"As systems increase in complexity, their energy intensity and energy requirements to sustain life rise accordingly." Hydrocarbons ceased fitting the energy bill, became obsolete, years ago. Nobel Prize winner , Ilya Progogine
Revisiting the Nature of Power:

Onward the capitalist machine marches, as it grinds down the vast majority of citizens, plunders our environment, ignores treaty obligations and ignores the problems of the inner cities. Inside the country, economic and social bad news multiply with a joint relentlessness. The public education system is in crisis and health insurance for 50 million Americans simply does not exist. The unemployment rates in the US mount inexorably, as more jobs are lost every day.
Capitalism as an Imperialist 'tool' Neoimperialism: Skimming the Cream Chapter 1 of Against Empire
http://www.michaelparenti.org/AgainstEmpire.html by Michael Parenti. Michael Parenti received his Ph.D. in political science from Yale University in 1962

Mild shock and disbelief barely registered in the nation of the most productive, overworked, underpaid, underinsured, vacation deprived, low paid slave/workers in the world, as they watched their bridges fall down along with their retirement savings in equity & stocks, while their taxes, gas, energy and food costs continued skyrocketing to uncharted realms and many continue to lose their homes and go hungry; as the masses stagnated in unmovable traffic, and government departments threatened to close due to lack of funds - On the bright side, the worldwide corporate 2% greedy guts, individually, had aplenty, more wealth than 30 nations combined, apiece.... irrelevant to who is paying for their errors (as in subprime loans).As common sense in science is lost with the continued stagnation of our energy base and deep troubling theoretical foundational issues in physics, so too, Civilization's Survival Parameters fly out of sight, out of mind, along with the values and morals inherent within new scientific understanding which new energy systems would reveal. Scientific Stagnation bodes an ill wind to evolution, sustainability, and survival as "cycles of humiliation, dumbing us down, violence, and Unrestrained Corporate Greed prompting resource wars with nuclear finality" join hands with global warming and ecological imbalance to precipitate the historical "rise and fall of civilization" - a Tsunami accelerating toward us with a far more spectacular event than the legends and myths of 'Atlantis and Lemuria"........ had more people known that Energy from Corn (or going backwards to a dimwitted concept of radioactive nuclear power application ) sounded a wee bit kindergartenish and senile for the twenty first century......the Future may have had a chance.

"Corporism: The Systemic Disease that Destroys Civilization."
http://www.countercurrents.org/glo-reiner11503.htm Huge corporations now control America's body politic by reason of their bald-faced purchases of the three branches of the American government and America's major media. by Ken Reiner: kreiner@earthlink.net 05/09/03: I view the continuing growth of corporate power and its despotic control of governments throughout the world, including our own, as a socio-economic disease. While Mussolini and others named it "Fascism," I call it "Corporism" because that name better reveals its underlying institutional structure. I would define Corporism as the domination of government and society by the emergence and power of the giant publicly-traded multinational corporations and financial institutions, organized in totalitarian hierarchies, which singly and in combinations buy or destroy their competitors, corrupt the politics of nations, and seize, hoard, and wield for themselves most of the wealth of the human race.
We must recognize that we do have this cancerous disease, what it is doing to us and the world we live in, how it came about historically, and how and why it continues to be generated and sustained now in our society. Just as computer viruses find their ways into the software of our computers and destroy their operation, Corporism, promulgating itself by financial, legal, and technological means, has infected society in ways that lead to the hoarding of human resources, increasing insecurity and misery for the bulk of the world's population, perhaps even to worldwide holocaust. We must conquer this disease if we are to survive.

Abolish Corporate Personhood Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)http://www.wilpf.org/corp/cintro.htm Concerned about the rapid escalation of corporate power in the US and around the world, three years ago members of the US section of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) began studying and researching how corporations became so powerful. We discovered the hidden history of "corporate personhood" - the legal phenomenon that provides constitutional protections to corporations. Not only is corporate personhood a key component of corporate power, it's one of the greatest threats to democracy that we've ever known. Most people, however, have never even heard of it. In September, 2001 WILPF launched a campaign to abolish corporate personhood that has as its goal to delegitimize the institution of the corporation as a political entity.

Ralph Nader, founder of Public Citzen: I am responsible for my actions, but who is responsible for those of General Motors? An individual's capital is basically his integrity. He can lose only once. A corporation can lose many times, and not be affected. This unequal contest between the individual and any complex organization, whether it is a corporation, a union, government, or other group, is something which bears the closest scrutiny in order to try to protect the individual from such invasions."

Corporate Responsibility "The requirement of a just social order is that the responsibility shall lie where the power of decision rests. But the law has never caught up with the development of the large corporate unit. Deliberate acts emanate from the sprawling and indeterminable shelter of the corporate organization. Too often the responsibility for an act is not imputable to those whose decision enable it to be set in motion. People sitting in executive suites can make remote decisions which will someday result in tremendous carnage, and because they are remote in time and space between their decision and the consequences of that decision, there is no accountability."

On Extraordinary Corporate Power "In our country, the large corporations are the dominant institution. They comprise the strongest, consistent, generic power in the land. They share a high degree of coordinated values. Their power is all the more remarkable in its resiliency and ability to accommodate or absorb other challenging power centers such as big government and organized labor in ways that turn an additional profit, erect an additional privilege, or acquire protective mechanisms to ward off new pressures for change or reform."
Corporate Collectivism Leads Toward Ecological Disaster "The absence of political vigilance by the organs of Government toward the onrush of corporate collectivism, with the exception of a few aborted Senate inquiries, is fraught with danger to a democratic society. This is the case, no matter how affluent that society has become in the aggregate, because of the gaping injustices affecting minority groups and majority public services. Indeed, the very productiveness of our economic system, a chief referent for corporate apologists, has led, through incaution and indifference, to vast new problems, centering, for example, on the pell-mell contamination of soil, air, and water that is taking us toward ecological disaster."

Paul Hawken: Natural Capitalism http://www.natcap.org/defaultHTM.php By almost any measure, multinational corporations have failed spectacularly on their promise of fostering global democracy and prosperity. That’s why people all across the planet—from villagers in India to students in North America—are stepping up to challenge the abuses of big business. While corporate power is deeply entrenched, this new economic democracy movement is fueled by a fresh set of strategies about how people can regain power. —The Editors

"All Publicly held corporations live a lie. They believe that we reside in a world where capital has the right to grow and that that right is a higher right than the rights of people to their culture and what we hold in common. There is something incalculably wrong with this view. You can't get to sustainability from an economic model that strives first and foremost to increase the amount of money large corporations have. You can't get there if you're destroying the world's local economies. You can't get there if you are MacDonald's and spend $2 billion a year to get children to eat your junk food. We cannot correct environmental problems if we don't correct the assumptions that cause them. Most of the world's economy and the behavior of the world's government are under the control of corporations. Corporations are striving to increase their control; at the same time, the world is increasingly out of control. There is a direct connection."

LONDON, May 25, 2009 —Obama Condemns North Korea's Actions, Saying Country Poses a 'Grave Threat' President Obama Blasts N. Korea Nuclear Test, Test-Firing Missiles - By JOOHEE CHO

May 15, 2009 In Ecuador, Resentment of an Oil Company Oozes

May 8, 2009 U.S. Drops Research Into Fuel Cells for Cars

LOS ANGELES, April 29, 2009 60% Of Americans Breathing Unhealthy Air
Despite Green Movement, Tougher Laws, Lung Association Says Most Cities Still Have Too Much Air Pollution. Six out of 10 Americans right now as we speak live in areas where the air can be dirty enough to send people to the emergency room, dirty enough to shape how kids' lungs develop and even dirty enough to kill.

April 24, 2009 Industry Ignored Its Scientists on Climate NYT By ANDREW C. REVKIN

4/20/09 Global Warming, Thirsty Energy: 7 Dimensional Chess - As Global Warming Increases, Water Supplies Around the World Are Decreasing By BILL BLAKEMORE
03/04/09 "Sold Out: How Wall Street and Washington Betrayed America,"
WASHINGTON, April 9, 2009 CIA Says It Will Close Secret Prisons
Agency Says Guards Have Been Fired And Prisons Will Be Shuttered Permanently; But Prisoners Still Held

April 8, 2009 Oil Giants Loath to Follow Obama’s Green Lead By JAD MOUAWAD

Published: 2009/02/02 18:48:30 GMT WATERLESS WORLD
Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/science/nature/7865603.stm Water - another global 'crisis'? By Richard Black -Environment correspondent, BBC News website

September 24, 2008 Upheaval on Wall St. Stirs Anger in the U.N. By NEIL MacFARQUHAR

NYT September 27, 2008 S.E.C. Concedes Oversight Flaws Fueled Collapse By STEPHEN LABATON

NYT August 24, 2008 At Conference on the Risks to Earth, Few Are Optimistic By ANDREW C. REVKIN

HOUSTON, July 22, 2008 Big Oil Profits Go To Investors, Not R&D
(AP) As giant oil companies like Exxon Mobil and ConocoPhillips get set to report what will probably be another round of eye-popping quarterly profits, just where is all that money going?
WASHINGTON, July 15, 2008 Elder Statesmen: U.S. Faces Energy Crisis

July 6, 2008 American Energy Policy, Asleep at the Spigot By NELSON D. SCHWARTZ

WASHINGTON, June 24, 2008 NASA Climate Scientist Says "We're Toast"
(AP) Exactly 20 years after warning America about global warming, a top NASA scientist said the situation has gotten so bad that the world's only hope is drastic action.

Saturday 28th June, 2008 Bush, oil executives, criminally liable for Iraq War,
A U.S. Congressman, who ran for president this year, and in 2004, this week accused the Bush administration of colluding with the nation's oil companies in targeting Iraq's oil reserves.

Saudi Arabia, June 22, 2008— Oil Producers Say Speculation, Not Supply, Is Causing Pain at the Pump By LARA SETRAKIAN and DEAN SCHABNER

CBS NEW YORK, June 16, 2006 CEOs' Pay Climbs While U.S. Economy Sinks
(AP) As the American economy slowed to a crawl and stockholders watched their money evaporate, CEO pay still chugged to yet more dizzying heights last year, an Associated Press analysis shows.

June 17, 2008 Editorial Observer After 75 Years, the Working Poor Still Struggle for a Fair Wage By ADAM COHEN

NYT May 29, 2008 Human Rights Report Assails U.S. By ALAN COWELL

June 4, 2008 U.N. Issues Warning on Food Crisis UN Says Solving Food Crisis Could Cost $30 Billion By ELISABETH ROSENTHAL and ANDREW MARTIN ROME — Resolving the global food crisis could cost as much as $30 billion a year and wealthier nations are doing little to help the developing world face the problem, United Nations officials said Tuesday.

May 29, 2008 Under Fire, White House Releases Report About Global Warming
Overdue Report Reveals Serious Health Consequences By BILL BLAKEMORE

May 3, 2008 Rich/Poor Income Gap Widening To Chasm
(CBS) There have always been "haves" and "have-nots" in the United States, but over the past three decades, the gap between them has gotten a lot wider, statistics from congressional numbers crunchers show. According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, income for the bottom half of American households rose six percent since 1979 but, through 2005, the income of the top one percent skyrocketed - by 228 percent.

NYT April 18, 2008 Across Globe, Empty Bellies Bring Rising Anger By MARC LACEY

February 14, 2008 Dumb and Dumber: Are Americans Hostile to Knowledge?
By PATRICIA COHEN A popular video on YouTube shows Kellie Pickler, the adorable platinum blonde from “American Idol,” appearing on the Fox game show “Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?” during celebrity week. Selected from a third-grade geography curriculum, the $25,000 question asked: “Budapest is the capital of what European country?” Ms. Pickler threw up both hands and looked at the large blackboard perplexed. “I thought Europe was a country,” she said. Playing it safe, she chose to copy the answer offered by one of the genuine fifth graders: Hungary. “Hungry?” she said, eyes widening in disbelief. “That’s a country? I’ve heard of Turkey. But Hungry? I’ve never heard of it.”

NYT April 23, 2008 Imposing grip on American news media (squashes freedom of speech and public awareness of reality) Murdoch Moving to Buy Newsday for $580 Million By RICHARD PÉREZ-PEÑA and TIM ARANGO Rupert Murdoch is moving to tighten his already-imposing grip on American news media, striking a tentative deal to buy his third New York-based paper, Newsday, and getting his first chance to appoint the top editor of The Wall Street Journal, after the resignation of the editor on Tuesday. His $580 million bid for Newsday and his urgency in remaking The Journal worry his competitors and cause angst in many newsrooms, including his own. And both moves are vintage Rupert Murdoch, a man who operates his sprawling News Corporation like an old-style media mogul, making big bets on old and new media — bankrolling the new Fox Business Network, aggressively pursuing a deal for Yahoo, and buying Dow Jones & Company, publisher of The Journal, for far more than analysts thought it was worth. And that was just in the last year.