"Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others. . .they send forth a ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."Robert F. Kennedy
Using grade school physics of both Newtonian and Nuclear models, does anyone foresee counter currents of sufficient size to minimize/change direction of the huge 'Tsunami' roaring down on us, taking away not only our Freedom, but our Lives? Regardless if our salaries are dependant on us not knowing the inconvenient truths of reality (global warming, corporate rule, stagnant energy science) portrayed by the rare articles in the news media? I know only one - a free science, our window to Reality - that easily resolves the Foundational Problem of Quantum Physics and takes E=MC2 out of Kindergarten

Full Text Individual Post Reading

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Promise of Energy for Everyone

How long should America put its future on hold?
State of the Union key points summary from the White House
President Obama “I do not accept second-place for the United States of America

The Promise of Energy for Everyone

A Power Point Introductory Presentation


(when power point opens click on 'view' then 'slide show' for best results)

We have barely glimpsed the full scope of
Energy Evolution and applications

(reprinted with permission from evolution-intelligentdesign-survival.blogspot.com)

Borderless Economy, Jobless Prosperity

How long should America put its future on hold?
State of the Union key points summary from the White House
President Obama “I do not accept second-place for the United States of America….it's time to get serious about fixing the problems that are hampering our growth."…..” to win the future by out-innovating, out-educating, and out-building our global competition”

Clearly innovation and education are in desperate need of upgrades. Corn for the next energy base, ladders to space, umbrellas to shield earth from global warming, conserving(?) the Infinite (i.e., energy), will not lead the world in new clean energy technologies and the “Borderless Economy, Jobless Prosperity” will continue to reign Supreme with “The prosperity in jobless prosperity existing only for the rich”.

We have barely glimpsed the full scope of
Energy Evolution and applications

JANUARY 17, 2011, 6:00 AM
Borderless Economy, Jobless Prosperity
By NANCY FOLBRE Nancy Folbre is an economics professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Why has the economic recovery left workers behind? The question keeps coming up, in slightly different versions. As the headline of a recent New York Times article by Michael Powell put it, “Profits Are Booming. Why Aren’t Jobs?” The term “jobless prosperity” – which surfaced in 1993 and again 2002 – now bobs high.
Many journalists argue that globalization is partly to blame for historically low rates of job creation over the last year. Companies in the United States are simply less reliant on American workers – and American consumers – than they once were. Maybe they just don’t need us any more.
Few economists like this argument, but even some mainstream savants like Alan Blinder of Princeton University express concern about the effects of offshoring. And the effects of globalization extend well beyond job loss.
As Harold Meyerson pointed out in The Washington Post, a recent Standard & Poor’s report showed that our largest 500 publicly traded corporations get roughly 47 percent of their revenue from outside the country.

Writing in The Atlantic on “The Rise of the New Global Elite,” Chrystia Freeland provided a vivid anecdotal account of the same phenomenon, letting the chief executive of a green-technology company explain that most of his sales come from outside the United States, and, if he were starting from scratch, most of his workers would, too. A hedge fund manager tells her why the vigorous growth of a new middle class in China and India counterbalances the decline of the American middle class.
A recent Wall Street Journal article by Burton Malkiel warned against “home-country bias,” urging investors to hedge their bets on the American economy by tilting their portfolios toward emerging markets in developing countries.
A recent Time magazine article by Zachary Karabell referred to the new joblessness as a part of a megatrend toward globalization that we just have to live with.
So much depends on who “we” are.
During the 25 years after World War II, the interests of American investors and workers were closely, though not perfectly, aligned. Productivity increases were passed on in the form of higher wages that, in turn, fueled increasing demand for domestically produced goods and services.
Businesses willingly paid taxes to support public programs designed to improve the education, health and security of the labor force on which they relied.
Back in 1953, Charlie Wilson, the chief executive of General Motors, famously expressed the opinion (often slightly misquoted) that what was good for the country was good for General Motors, and vice versa. I doubt that was entirely true then, but it was certainly more true then than it is today.
Large corporations are no less patriotic now than they were then. But their economic incentives have changed. Facing intensified international competition, they have little reason to care about the nationality of their workers, consumers or investors.
Fans of globalization point to many economic benefits: lower-priced consumer goods, rewards for technological innovation and higher living standards for many workers in developing countries.
But however significant these benefits, the other side of the ledger reveals significant costs arising from political realignment and efforts to escape regulation and taxes.
Jobless growth is only one symptom of increased social conflict, intensified economic inequality and weakened democracy. The prosperity in jobless prosperity exists only for the rich.

2012 A Time for Change

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Crossing Over The Bridge

Freedom in the Science of Energy Evolution has to be brought to the table as first priority of any and all programs of “all wakeful organizations”. The “common sense” revelations arising from evolutionary energy systems will dissolve and solve every obstacle to survival, sustainability, prosperity, and fulfillment.

Comprehension of this scientific measurement factor is paramont:
The Quantity C is the Radius of Curvature of All Natural law


Crossing Over The Bridge



New Program Crossing over the Bridge 'Ancient Civilization Prophecies & New Science Theories' Guests: Carl Johan Calleman, Dr. Brian O'Leary, Author/Speaker John Perkins & Nassim Haramein

Radio Streaming Broadcast January 14, 2011.

Crossing over the Bridge provides the force and dynamic to bring people together head-to-head, body-to-body and heart-to-heart from both sides of the universal gate. The ever evolving conscious human being now becomes inspired to realize the full potential of their world through reaching for that higher dimension; a higher level of consciousness and awareness for the connection to our world and nature. They are to come together now in acknowledging the fear of those left behind in chaotic circumstances grabbing hold in the final moments for a system hinged upon monetary gain and out dated principles that have now run there full course in the time line of history. This paradigm developed through communicative desires and the real integrity of media now brings the darkness to the light through forgiveness, understanding and a mirror to the hearts of all humankind walking this dimension and beyond. The programs through radio, television and face-to-face open disclosure allows all humans to complete the process of ascension; an evolutionary step available for those ready to surrender old age notions that have been induced by the conditioning of countless generations trapped in confusion of real sovereignty and lives driven not by heart but of predatory greed.

"Every single person on this planet and beyond be they carpenter, farmer, teacher, artist, writer, traveler or leader in community, now unknowingly or perhaps consciously - fast approaches one point - one place - one plane and one true love. Each with the right to synchrony and harmony - sharing the common journey to a converging wye in the road of history - creating in unison the world we all now know awaits us in becoming whole in universal destiny. In the event that this will no doubt succeed for future generations, I seek to devote heart and soul towards leaving a historic record of the greatest feat that is now manifesting for mankind and complete universal alignment." David William Gibbons - Los Angeles, California October 2010.

If I could ask the world a question....

Freedom in the Science of Energy Evolution has to be brought to the table as first priority of any and all programs of “all wakeful organizations”. The “common sense” revelations arising from evolutionary energy systems will dissolve and solve every obstacle to survival, sustainability, prosperity, and fulfillment.

Comprehension of this scientific measurement factor is paramont:
The Quantity C is the Radius of Curvature of All Natural law

A broader perspective in the video that follows, always assists in attaining a more balanced and healthy outlook, along with awe and humble revernce of the creative power and beauty by which Nature Expresses - and over which we have dominion (i.e., "caretaker")

Question found on http://www.avatar-forums.com/
If I could ask the world a question...
Would you do anything to hurt this place if God gave it to you

What's Next for America?

What's Next America? Without an energy upgrade, far beyond the superficial wind, solar, corn, geothermal, etc., the obvious is staring us in the face and magnifying exponentially. Putting a stranglehold on Nature's natural expression, i.e., on both human and energy evolutionary processes, carries with it unimaginable consequences.

Freedom in the Science of Energy Evolution has to be brought to the table as first priority of any and all programs of “all wakeful organizations”. The “common sense” revelations arising from evolutionary energy systems will dissolve and solve every obstacle to survival, sustainability, prosperity, and fulfillment.

What's Next for America?
Jeff Greenfield Examines If America Is a Superpower in Decline, and if Optimism Is a Thing of the Past

(CBS) At the start of a New Year, it's natural to ask WHAT'S NEXT? That's not an easy question this year. - We begin with a report from Jeff Greenfield:

It is the core American faith - that this is a country uniquely, even Providentially blessed, whose best days always lie ahead of us.

And for much of our history, that faith has been justified by reality. Throughout most of the 20th century - the "American Century," as LIFE Magazine proclaimed it - America WAS the richest, most powerful, most open society on Earth.

But today, a specter is haunting America: A sense that we will no longer be THE dominant world power.

And, more troubling, a sense that our future may NOT be brighter than our past, a sense captured in a recent poll revealing that nearly half of Americans believe our best days are behind us.

In a way, this is nothing new, says author and journalist James Fallows.

"As the early American republic was first taking form, already there were warnings - 'Are we going to become Rome?' - even before there was any sort of great empire to worry about," said Fallows.

And through the last half-century in particular, we worried about threats to America's supremacy.

"I can remember the launch of Sputnik in the late 1950s, and the sort of galvanizing effect that had on American education, especially in science and math," said Fallows. "And then, in more recent history, say, starting 25 years ago, was the Japanese. And, of course, in the recent decade it's mainly been China that's been the comparison by which America is falling short."

This idea - call it "relative decline," the concept that other nations may equal or surpass our economic or technical mastery - may be hard for a "We're Number One!" America to accept. But for Paul Kennedy, who wrote "The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers," it is nothing new - nor troublesome.

"No one stays on top," he said, "and the U.S. has a very hard time in realizing that. Great powers, like the U.S. - like the British Empire, like the Ottomans - rise to a position of prominence over, you know, a century and a half or so, and stay at the top for a long while, and then, usually, gradually decline."

But it's a different idea that you can sense in the public conversation today: A sense that the some of America's most enduring beliefs about itself are in doubt . . . beliefs that are at the center of what kind of country we are and how effective our political system is in dealing with what threatens us.

At the center of the doubts is the wounded American economy: Not just the 15 million who are jobless or underemployed, not just the trillions lost in the economic meltdown of the last few years, not just the millions who have or may soon lose their homes.

It's the broader picture:

"In the last 35 years, the median wage in America has gone down," said Fallows. "Most Americans, in the last, now, two generations, have done worse economically, which is unprecedented in American history."

And it poses a special threat to a pattern we took for granted from World War II through the '70s - blue-collar workers finding secure well-paying jobs that provided them and their families a measure of security and comfort.

Moreover, if America's economic machinery is stalled, it means trouble - serious, potentially devastating trouble - for our governments, and their obligations.

Our federal government has a $14 trillion debt. And in towns, cities, counties and states, pensions and health care costs of public employees threaten to leave those governments literally bankrupt.

Former New York lieutenant governor Richard Ravitch has spent a lifetime dealing with budget crises. This time he says it's different - and worse.

"It is not sustainable - there is no question about that," Ravitch said. "And I think that it's only a matter of time before you begin to see bad things happening, like cities or counties not making payroll, defaulting on debt."

So, is optimism a thing of the past? - The answer (to James Fallows) is yes AND no.

"We could solve what's wrong with this country fairly easily, considering how rich we are, all the resources we have," he said. "Whether we'll actually do that, is a different matter."

The real question may be: Is our 200-year-old political system capable of dealing with today's dilemmas?

"I think we have a very poor constitutional and political system for the 21st century," said Kennedy. "We have a system which was marvelous for 13 independent, loosely-tied states in 1783, 1786," he laughed.

"I've spent a lot of years of my adult life living outside the United States," said Fallows. "People will often say, 'I wish we had X, Y, and Z, in comparison with the United States.' No one has ever said to me, 'I wish we had your U.S. Senate. I wish we had some governing system like yours,' because the ability of our political system to match our great potential resources with the problems we have, that seems different to me from times I know about before."

Which is, says historian Paul Kennedy, why America's most urgent need it to distinguish between what is beyond our reach . . . and what is in our power to change.

"The reversible things are what you do with your national budgets, with your science and technology programs, with your education," said Kennedy. "Those are reversible.

"And, therefore, my answer to you about, you know, is America ultimately in decline is that there's the irreversible stuff. Just forget about it. Concentrate on what IS improvable, what IS reversible - and then we start looking better."
Corporations, "awash again to the hilt in immediate profits", Seek To Keep Global Warming Data Secret - Push Underway to Keep Some Global Warming Information Secret In First-ever Inventory http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/10/28/tech/main6998654.shtml?tag=cbsnewsSectionContent.11


Oil Will Run Dry Before Substitutes Roll Out

Front-Line City in Virginia Tackles Rise in Sea

Australians Flee Flood of "Biblical Proportions"
Queensland Residents Evacuate as Torrential Rains, Rising Waters Cover Area Larger Than France, Germany Combined http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/01/01/world/main7203215.shtml?tag=cbsnewsSectionContent.3